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Inflation has probably eased in February, particularly in France due to the marked cut in the regulated electricity price. However, this overall movement masks divergent trends. Although disinflation is becoming more widespread (two-thirds of the components in Insee’s index show inflation below 2% y/y in January in France), prices continue to rise rapidly in services, in France as well as elsewhere in the Eurozone. In the short term, a return of energy price inflation is possible in the Eurozone, but this is likely to be short-lived. The ECB is likely to continue to cut rates at its 6 March meeting, but the persistence of core inflation (below but close to 3% y/y) could change the pace of cuts thereafter.
The result of the German election reveals a clear winner: the CDU/CSU. Only five parties were able to enter parliament, thereby reducing the fragmentation of the Bundestag. A grand coalition with the SPD is possible. Negotiations should begin soon to establish a common roadmap. When they come to an end, changes are to be expected: a German government that takes more initiative in European affairs, more public investment, increased defence spending and, as a result, a German budget deficit and public debt that could increase.
While French growth reached 1.1% in 2023 and 2024, uncertainties, particularly of a political nature, are expected to drive growth slightly down in 2025 (0.7% according to our forecasts). The difference can be explained primarily by the weak growth carry-over after Q4 2024 and Q1 2025. However, we are probably over the worst and growth is expected to strengthen from Q2 onwards. In fact, implementation of the 2025 budget should restore confidence and allow an increase in public consumption compared to Q1 (when it was penalised by renewal of the 2024 budget). Basically, we think that the momentum of the transition to services - accompanied by strong business creations - has not been interrupted. Accordingly, the fundamentals of French growth are preserved.
The German elections of 23 February have high stakes. German GDP has been stagnating for three years and production capacity in the manufacturing sector has suffered its first decline since reunification. The question of the relevance of the German territory as a production site (standort deutschland) was again raised. In this context, will these elections open a new era (zeitenwende) in German economic policy, as was the case with the Hartz laws twenty years ago? Two main issues will need to be monitored: the reform of the debt brake and the decrease of energy costs.
The German business climate is being driven down by the prolonged recession in industry. Industrial production (in the broad sense, including construction) has contracted in 10 of the last 12 quarters (including a further negative quarter likely in Q4 2024), for a cumulative drop of 8.4% (-14.7% compared to the peak seen at the end of 2017). This momentum explains the low IFO index.
The French economy remains weak, although it is showing signs of stabilisation. The Insee business climate indicator remained stable at 95 in January, while the composite PMI rebounded slightly (47.6 in January compared to 47.5 in December).
The deficit on the trade in goods published by the French Customs authorities on 7 February is likely to have been EUR83 billion for 2024, from EUR100 billion in 2023 (but EUR58 billion in 2019). The improvement in the nominal deficit hides the fall in goods exports. However, the improvement in the balance in volume terms and the strength of services exports are positive factors.
According to our forecast, French growth reached 0.1% q/q in Q4 2024, boosted by some favourable sector-based factors (aviation and electricity production). However, overall economic momentum continues to slow, including corporate investment perspectives, impacting the labour market.
After outperforming between 2005 and 2018, German growth has since underperformed. Germany is the only major European economy to have seen its GDP stagnate for the third year in a row, due to the weakness of its industry (reflected this year in site closures and a moderate upturn in unemployment). The relative persistence of inflation and a fiscal policy limited by the debt brake rule are also weighing on the recovery potential. Finally, at a time when Germany is already being penalised by a lack of investment and high energy costs, it is vulnerable to a possible increase in US tariffs.
France's economic growth is set to slow over the next two years, and the unemployment rate is set to rise, at a time when the gains in purchasing power associated with disinflation are behind us and political uncertainty is likely to weigh heavily. A difficult period that could be cushioned by a rebound in aeronautical production, but which could also see the materialistion of downside risks weighing on trade opportunities in Germany and the United States. One of the challenges for France will be to achieve fiscal consolidation without affecting its attractiveness, and in particular the ability of its labour market to create jobs when the recovery takes hold.
On 20 January, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as President of the United States for the second time.With him, there will be no "soft trade" or multilateralism, but a logic of nations governed by power relations.Faced with this new order, in which historic partners become rivals and alliances are now only circumstantial, what will Europe do?Between its desire to assert its power and its concern to protect its interests,Which card will China play? Will the "multi-aligned" countries such as India be able to maintain their position?Finally, as the United States prepares to withdraw from the Paris agreements once again, will the climate be the big loser?Find out more with this replay of the latest conference of the Economic Research department of BNP Paribas, held on 10 December.
According to the latest business climate and household surveys, the German economy is unlikely to rebound for some time yet. In November, the IFO business climate index (85.7) has returned to a level close to its level in September (85.4, its lowest level since May 2020), following a one-off rebound in October (86.5). This return to a low level is mainly explained by the services index in an uncertain political context, with the ousting of Finance Minister C. Lindner suddenly sending Germany into a pre-election period (early elections scheduled for 23 February 2025).
The French economy is deteriorating, as evidenced by the business climate and household confidence. The INSEE composite business climate index is down by one point a month, from 98 to 96 between September and November (long-term average at 100). This deterioration can be seen across all sectors, including services, underlining the fact that the cooling has spread throughout the economy.
In France and in Germany, a further surge in inflation is expected in November, taking it to 1.8 and 2.6% y/y, respectively, according to our forecasts, compared to 1.6 and 2.4% in October and 1.4 and 1.8% in September (Eurostat harmonised index). Headline inflation is still relatively high due to persistent inflation in services.
In France, in Q3 2024, for the first time (statistical series dating back to 1949), non-financial companies invested more (in billions of euros, at constant prices) in "information and communication" than in construction. This shift was bound to happen sooner or later, given the trend towards intangible investment (in which "information and communication" is the main item). In particular, this growing weighting goes hand in hand with the increasingly widespread use of electronics and software in today's goods, including in traditional sectors such as the automotive industry.
The business climate in Germany (PMI and IFO surveys) deteriorated steadily from its peak in May to September. The relative optimism of the spring has ebbed away, as illustrated in particular by the deterioration in the PMI for export conditions (standing at 49.8 in September, compared to 51.9 in May). As a result, while our forecast for Q3 growth remains at 0.1% q/q, the German government has highlighted the risk of another negative figure (following the rate of -0.1% q/q in Q2 already) and therefore of a recession. Overall, GDP is likely to be close to its level recorded at the end of 2021 (i.e. three years of stagnation).
The Olympic Games were a brief positive interlude, which has now come to an end, as shown by the services PMI, which peaked at 55 in August in the midst of much more lacklustre performances. However, this Olympic Games effect should have buoyed growth in Q3 (0.4% q/q, according to our scenario). Our nowcast is a little lower (0.3%) and highlights the risk that, excluding the Olympic Games effect (estimated at 0.2% by INSEE), the French economy slowed in Q3 (after 0.2% q/q growth in Q2). It is likely to slow further in Q4, judging by the recent deterioration in the services sector (PMI at 48.3 in October after 49.6 in September) and in industry (production PMI down from 44 to 42.5).
Discussions on the 2025 draft finance law (PLF) have just begun in the French National Assembly. The backdrop for this PLF must be outlined. France is setting out to consolidate its budget, which is a major yet necessary task. However, things are hanging in the balance due to power struggles in the National Assembly. Over the past few years, a high fiscal deficit has been run up, with the 2024 fiscal deficit and interest burden (which is expected to increase by nearly 1 point of GDP by 2027) leaving the French government with no choice but to take action. In order to stabilise its public debt ratio, France will have to bring its fiscal deficit below 3% of GDP and therefore reduce it each year for at least five years
Germany and France follow different trajectories in terms of fiscal consolidation. The latter is more involved in Germany, where debt is more moderate. However, this is accompanied by a reduced support for the greening of the economy and a GDP stagnation over the last two years. In France, where public debt is higher, maintaining strong fiscal support has been accompanied by an increase in savings. The literature points out that, in this context, fiscal consolidation based on lower spending could support growth.
While there were signs of a rebound in German growth at the beginning of the year, the industrial recession was back from Q2 24, with a negative impact on the labour market that is now noticeable as the unemployment rate is rising. Against this backdrop and following the withdrawal of support for the purchase of electric vehicles in December 2023, households have increased their level of savings. However, there are still modest signs of a rebound, with a slight increase in demand. At the same time, the government’s awareness of the stalling of German industry could lead to the return of support measures.
Inflation and rising interest rates have resulted in the landing of domestic demand in the private sector overall (households and companies), without preventing French growth from maintaining a moderate pace (1.1% in 2023, 1.2% in 2024 according to our estimates), as a result of a drop in imports and therefore a positive contribution from net exports. Growth was also driven by service output (investment by companies in information and communications is even expected to overtake construction soon). This support is expected to drive stable overall growth in 2025, at 1.2%.
The household savings rate in France has risen further, up from 17.6% of households' gross disposable income (GDI) in Q1 2024 to 17.9% in Q2 2024, according to the INSEE, i.e. 1 point more in a year. This is also an early sign of an upward trend underway in the Eurozone. While the figures for Q2 are not yet available, the Q1 figures pointed to a savings rate 3 points higher than its pre-COVID level (at 15.4%).
In August 2024, French inflation is expected to fall back below 2% year-on-year for the first time in three years (August 2021). This disinflation is mainly linked to energy prices and is expected to increase further at the start of 2025 for the same reasons (expected drop in electricity prices). By contrast, inflation in services, which has been impacted by an Olympic effect in particular, is expected to remain high in the short term, but will not prevent further disinflation.
Growth in exports to the United States (Germany's biggest export customer) has continued to drive German foreign trade in recent years, while trade with the eurozone and China has been relatively stagnant. For the past four months, however, the German PMI for export conditions has been above the threshold of 50 (albeit lower in June at 50.8 than in May at 51.9), suggesting a more global dynamic.
The French economy is once again feeling the weight of economic uncertainty, as shown by the rebound in the Banque de France's uncertainty indicator, which in July reached its highest level since autumn 2022 (energy crisis). This could weaken a business climate that is already a little less favourable in France (composite PMI at 48.8 in June) than in the eurozone (PMI above 50 for the past four months).