In this issue: the editorial of William De Vijlder, the uncertainty, the latest market overview and economic scenario.
In the US and several European countries, gross public sector borrowing requirements are expected to remain sizeable and the reduction in the size of central banks’ balance sheets -quantitative tightening- complicates matters. The impact on bond yields will depend on the risk-bearing capacity of investors. Their ability and willingness to increase their exposure to duration risk depends on several factors: the existence or absence of strict duration risk limits in portfolios of institutional investors, risk aversion in reaction to recent bond yield volatility, uncertainty about the outlook for official interest rates, the correlation between bonds and equities, the balance sheet capacity of financial intermediaries
In the US, economic policy uncertainty, based on media coverage, increased slightly in September, after four months of decline. The economic policy uncertainty, based on media coverage, increased slightly after four months of decline. In the Eurozone, the European Commission’s economic uncertainty index also moved upwards in September.
GDP growth, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates