Intentions to make major purchases in the coming year are at their highest level since July 2021. This should enable private consumption to further buoy Italian growth. For the time being, hard data remains disappointing: new vehicle registrations are slowing (-3.3% 3m/3m in February), as are retail sales volumes (-0.4% 3m/3m in January).
As expected, Italian growth failed to outperform that of the Eurozone in 2024 (average annual growth of 0.5% versus 0.7% respectively). In addition, it remained at a standstill in Q4 (0.0% q/q) for the second consecutive quarter.
In Q3 24, real GDP remained unchanged. Domestic demand added 0.5 percentage points to the overall growth, while the net exports contribution was negative. The economic slowdown reflects the disappointing performance of manufacturing (-1.3%), while the services value added rose 6.5% above pre-crisis level. Italian exports have been declining in the last year and a half. The potential implementation of new measures to protect US production by the new US administration might have a significant impact on the Italian production system. The Italian trade surplus with the US in the first eight months of 2024 stood at EUR 26.5 bn, about 70% of the overall trade surplus.
L’activité économique italienne surprend à la baisse en cette fin d’année. Au troisième trimestre, la croissance est restée au point mort (0,0% t/t). Bien que les premiers indicateurs conjoncturels suggèrent qu’elle devrait être plus positive au T4 (0,4% t/t d’après nos prévisions), cela ne permettrait finalement pas à l’Italie de surpasser la zone euro cette année (croissance annuelle moyenne estimée à 0,5% en Italie, versus 0,8% en zone euro).
Weakness in manufacturing activity is still one of the black spots in the Italian economic situation. Industrial production remained on a negative trend in August (-0.1% 3m/3m), and purchasing managers in the manufacturing sector continued to indicate a deterioration in activity in September (manufacturing PMI at 48.3; -1.1 points over one month), mainly due to falling demand (with the new orders component down 3.1 points, standing at 45.7).
The Italian real GDP over the past three years is higher than previously estimated, thanks to the 2024 general revision of the national accounts. This revision, which is undertaken every five years and was published by the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat) on 23 September, includes the basis change with reference year 2021. As a result, real GDP is finally, albeit only slightly, above the level posted before the 2008 financial crisis (0.6 pp higher in Q2 2024 than in Q4 2007).
The recovery of the Italian economy continues, although at a moderate pace. In Q2 2024, real GDP rose by 0.2% q/q, supported by domestic demand, while net exports’ contribution was negative. The slowdown of investment reflected the decline of expenditure on dwellings, while machinery investment increased. Consumption moderately increased. Value added slightly accelerated in the services sector while continuing to contract in the manufacturing sector. The labour market has shown significant improvement since Q2 2021. In Q2 2024, the employment rate rose to 62.2%, a historical peak that, nevertheless, remains low in comparison with the main EU partners.
Italian inflation stabilised below the 1% mark in June (at 0.9% y/y) due to the still significant deflation in the energy component (-8.6% y/y), and the slowdown in food prices (2.1% y/y in May; -1.8 pp over three months). Although the producer price index is still negative year-on-year (-3.5% in May), it is beginning to strengthen on a monthly basis (+0.3% m/m), suggesting that the disinflationary phase in consumer prices could be reversed over the coming months.
The Italian economy has seen strong recovery since the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since 2021, its annual growth has far exceeded that recorded on average in the eurozone, thanks to the implementation of expansionary fiscal policies, which have buoyed consumption and investment, and the gradual recovery of tourism. Since the beginning of 2023 however, economic activity has started to moderate, due to an unfavourable international environment and the gradual abolition of these fiscal measures. In addition, the latter have, by their very nature, impacted the State's public finances, placing the country under the European Commission's excessive deficit procedure (EDP) in June 2024.
In Q1 2024, the Italian economy slightly accelerated. Real GDP rose by 0.3%, with a mixed evolution by sector. Valued added of construction rose, while that of manufacturing declined, suffering from the slowdown of exports. Services increased moderately, benefitting from the recovery of tourism. Domestic demand contributed positively to the overall growth and households profited from the improvement of labour market conditions. Economic and financial conditions of firms further improved. In Italy, in the first five months of 2024, on average, the consumer price index increased by less than 1% y/y per month.
Disinflation is back in Italy. After rising slightly in March (1.2% y/y; +0.4 pp over one month), inflation fell back below the 1% mark in April (0.9% y/y), mainly due to the still significant deflation in the energy component (-12.2% y/y). Although it is falling, inflation in services remains strong (+3.1% y/y; -0.2 pp over one month), keeping core inflation at 2.2%. Nevertheless, disinflationary trends in consumer prices are set to continue, with the evolution of production prices still negative (-9.6% y/y in March).
In 2023, Italian real GDP rose by almost 1%. The recovery of the economy was broad-based. Private consumption rose by 1.2% in 2023, benefitting from the further improvement in labour market conditions. In 2023, investment continued to be the main driver of the Italian recovery. Expenditures on machinery and ICT equipment were 20% higher than in 2019, with some first positive effects on Italian potential growth. The growth in investment since the post-pandemic period has increased the number of firms using technologies relying more effectively on digital transformation to boost productivity.
Activity in the private sector in Italy continued to improve in February, according to the composite PMI index, which was up 0.4 points over a month, taking it to 51.1. However, unlike the current situation in Spain, the divergence between the manufacturing sector and the services sector is becoming more pronounced.
January's business confidence surveys recovered in Italy: the composite PMI index rose 2.1 points and now stands at 50.7. This improvement was driven by services, for which the PMI returned to the expansion zone after six months in contraction territory (+1.4 points, at 51.2). The companies surveyed are now reporting an increase in upcoming new business (52.5; +4.4 points), bringing employment with it (51.2). Meanwhile, the deterioration in the manufacturing sector, observed since April 2023, is continuing to slow, with the associated PMI index gaining 3.2 points in January, standing at 48.5.
In 2023, the recovery of the Italian economy slowed in a somewhat bumpy way. On the one hand, after supporting the first part of the recovery, fixed investment declined. But on the other hand, consumption surprised on the upside (+1.5% with respect to Q4 2022). Italian households benefited from both a significant improvement of labour market conditions and deceleration of inflation. Consumer confidence recovered, supporting private expenditures. In Q4 2023, inflation marked a decisive slowdown: the declining trend is mainly due to the deceleration of energy prices (up +1.2% on average in 2023 compared to +50.9% in 2022).
Economic growth is slowing down in Italy. After contracting by 0.4% q/q in Q2, economic activity only grew by 0.1% q/q in Q3, almost standing still in that quarter. This small rebound was led by consumer spending (+0.6% q/q, contribution of 0.4 percentage points) and foreign trade (+0.8 points). Nevertheless, these positive developments were counterbalanced by significant destocking. For its part, investment recorded a quarterly change of -0.1% in Q3.
Economic surveys remain deteriorated. The PMI indices indicate a contraction in activity that is now more widespread, although the downturn is particularly pronounced in the manufacturing sector. The manufacturing PMI fell by 1.9 points to 44.9 in October, while the services PMI dropped more sharply below the 50 mark, after recording a decline of 2.2 points to 47.7. The household consumer confidence index in Italy is decorrelating from inflation expectations– which have been stable since the spring – and is now falling due to the effect of more subdued economic and employment prospects. In fact, the monthly fall in the confidence indicator (-2.4 points) was the steepest in the last fifteen months
Household confidence has dropped slightly since April. This reflects a decline in purchasing intentions for durable goods and a deterioration in the outlook for unemployment. Nevertheless, the Italian labour market remains on track. Unemployment fell to 7.3% in August, its lowest rate in fifteen years. As a result of this drop, recruitment problems are intensifying: the proportion of companies citing labour shortages as a factor limiting production was, in Q2 2023, the largest seen since the early 1990s. Although the working population is far from having closed the gap between the levels seen in 2019 (the deficit was 1.3% in August compared to the peak in April 2019), employment has continued to rise very significantly. This has helped to raise the employment rate (to 61
In Q2, real GDP declined by 0.4%, driven by weakening domestic demand. Investment in machinery and equipment fell, reflecting the worsening of firms’ economic and financial conditions. Consumption slightly recovered in real terms. Italian households suffer, however, from both higher consumer prices and increasing interest rates. In Q2, there was a contraction across many sectors. Services value added unexpectedly declined, reflecting the slower recovery of tourism. Inflation is slowly falling: in September it grew +5.7% y/y. Contrary to most predictions, in Q2 2023 house prices increased by 2.0% q/q.
Italy is still facing mixed developments but is likely to take advantage of the ongoing decrease of inflation. The Composite PMI weakened to 48.2 (-0.7pp) in August due to a sharp decline in the Services index, which crossed the contraction threshold for the first time in 2023 (49.8, -1.7pp). The Manufacturing sector reported a fifth consecutive month in contraction, despite a slight upturn
Italian commercial banks have drawn heavily on their reserves with the Eurosystem in order to repay the pending portion of the 28 June 2023 TLTRO III maturity.
Real GDP growth should halve in the second quarter compared to the previous quarter, at 0.3% q/q, before a further slowdown in Q3. Industrial production (down 0.5% over the first two months of Q2) and retail sales (slightly up by 0.1%) demonstrate the fragility of activity in the country. The composite PMI for new export orders also continued to deteriorate in June (-4.4 points to 43.3).
Following a mild contraction in the last three months of 2022, Italian GDP rose by 0.6% in Q1 2023. The carry-over for 2023 is +0.9%. In Q1, domestic demand excluding inventories added 0.7 percentage points to growth, while the contribution of both net exports and inventories was negative. Investment rose by almost 1%, reflecting the improvement of economic and financial conditions for Italian firms. Italian households benefited from the strong recovery of nominal income, but still suffered from the purchasing power loss due to inflation. This latter remains among the highest in the euro zone, at 8% y/y in May (harmonised measure).
The Italian economy surprised positively in the first quarter of 2023, with real GDP growing by 0.6% q/q. However, we expect this good performance to be followed by a slowdown in the second quarter and then a one-off contraction in the third quarter.
The preliminary estimate of Italian economic growth in the first quarter was a positive surprise, with real GDP rebounding by 0.5% q/q. However, we anticipate a slowdown in activity in Q2, before a contraction in Q3. At 0.9% in 2023, Italian GDP growth would still be above that of the eurozone as a whole.
Italy is a parliamentary republic with a Prime Minister and a President. Italy, the third largest economy of the Eurozone, was still recovering from the debt and financial crisis, when the Covid-19 epidemic occurred. Real GDP plunged by 8.9% in 2020, recording one of the biggest contractions in Europe. The Covid-19 crisis is likely to have amplified the structural weaknesses of the Italian economy, which is widely seen as a low-potential growth economy with structural weaknesses. Several restrictions on both labour and production and the huge level of public debt are weighing on productivity, investment and activity growth. An imperfect match of the skills of the working population to market need and low R&D spending also affect growth.
The Italian commercial sector is characterised by family-owned companies that offer particular specialisation, often grouped into industrial districts. However, most Italian firms are small and suffer from weak productivity, which made them particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus crisis. Investment is structurally low and Italy’s integration in global value chains remains limited.