Over the past few weeks, Central Europe has experienced a spike in Government bond yields. Five-year yields have surged respectively by 338 bp in Poland, 331 bp in Hungary, 350 bp in Romania and 216 bp in Czech Republic since January 2022 and are at present similar to 2008 levels. The trend is also the same for 10-year yields. The recent move can be explained to some extent by markets’ overreaction as regards to the relatively high exposure of Central European countries to Russia in terms of exports and energy supply. Moreover, their geographical proximity with Ukraine and Russia have contributed to markets’ perception of higher geopolitical risk. In the meantime, monetary policy tightening, a consequence of higher inflationary pressures (respectively +16
Inflationary pressures in France continue to grow. The INSEE retail survey for May set a new record, with a balance of opinion on expected selling prices that reached 43, from 36 in April and a long-term average of -2. The housing development sector saw the biggest share of companies forecasting price increases. This echoes the increase in building materials prices and reflects strong household demand: on average over the last three months nearly 25% of households in the INSEE consumer survey have indicated that they intend to spend on housing development (against a long-term average of 21%). This said, the proportion is down on the figure of 26.7% reported for October 2021, suggesting that this demand has wilted somewhat in the face of strong inflation
Flows of new non-performing loans of Italian non-financial corporations (NFCs)[1] stood at 2.4% of outstanding amounts of performing loans in the fourth quarter of 2021, from 1.4% in the third. Starting from an historically low level, the significant rise in this ratio[2] is due to the flows of new non-performing loans, which increased by 67% in the fourth quarter of 2021, whilst outstanding amounts of performing loans remained relatively stable. The increase in the ratio of new non-performing loans was more marked in certain sectors (accommodation and food service activities, construction, electricity and gas supply, mining and quarrying)
As of late, political risk has not weighed as heavily as expected on investment flows into Colombia. The strong rise in oil prices this year (+50% for a barrel of WTI crude year-to-date) coupled to the country’s distance from the Ukrainian conflict and the Central Bank’s more aggressive stance since January (+300 bps rate hikes) have helped support investment inflows and have trumped, so far, concerns over the high level of uncertainty surrounding the upcoming presidential election (1st round on May 29th). Foreign direct investments (FDI) in the hydrocarbon sector (2/3 of total FDI on average) have continued to recover quite strongly and have not been fazed by the possible interruption of new oil and gas developments – proposed by poll-leading candidate Gustavo Petro
The resilience of Manufacturing PMI through to April was surprising, given the extent to which constraints on supply and pressure on input prices have increased since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine on 24 February. This is particularly true in Germany where, despite an industrial sector with considerable exposure to the shock, Manufacturing PMI remained well above 50 (54.6 in April 2022). This suggests that activity in the sector remained comfortably in the expansion zone, whereas industrial production contracted by 4.4% between January and March 2022. This conflicting message is due mainly to a methodological bias: the inclusion of delivery lags in the aggregate PMI index. This bias may be an issue when the PMI is used as a nowcast for industrial production or GDP growth
Over the past year, growth in the M2 measure of money supply in the USA1 has slowed from 27.1% y/y in February 2021 to 9.5% y/y in March 2022. This has mainly been due to the moderation in purchases, by the Federal Reserve (Fed) and banks, of Treasuries (blue bars) and mortgage-backed securities (MBS, hatched green bars). With the Fed having ended its net purchasing at the end of February 2022, the effect of QE was even smaller in Q1 2022. Since Q2 2021, the Fed’s repo arrangements with money market funds (light grey bars) have also resulted in the (temporary) destruction of money2. Other factors have pulled in the opposite direction
After an extremely solid performance in 2020 and 2021, export growth will slow steeply in 2022. Export growth rates have already been normalising in recent months, and the slowdown is expected to deepen in Q2 2022. This is the consequence of supply-side constraints due to disruptions in factories, supply-chain difficulties in the manufacturing sector and problems with goods transport following lockdowns in several main industrial and port regions (notably Shanghai). Exports to other Asian countries (47% of China’s total exports) were the first to be hit by China’s logistics problems and slowed markedly in March. On the demand side, the outlook has been worsening since the beginning of the war in Ukraine
Faced with multiple pressures on prices, the United Kingdom has seen a sharp increase in inflation; CPIH hit 6.2% in March[1]. For households, this acceleration has resulted in a considerable deterioration in purchasing power. In real terms – that is, inflation-adjusted – the trend in wages was clearly negative (-1%) year-on-year in February 2022. However, bonus payments have offset this reduction, with wages including bonuses rising slightly (0.4%). The abrupt slowdown in real wage increases over little more than a year (in spring 2021, they were growing at 6%) has resulted in a collapse in consumer confidence, which in April fell to a near-record low of -38 points on the GfK index, close to the low point during the economic and financial crisis of 2008
The outstanding amounts of loans and advances that are still subject to banking support measures, introduced in response to the Covid-19 pandemic[1], continues to decrease in the eurozone. It was EUR444 billion in the fourth quarter of 2021, or 3.1% of total loans, from EUR494 billion, 3.5% of the total, in the third quarter of 2021. This decrease related nearly exclusively to loans subject to moratoria compliant with the European Banking Authority guidelines[2], for which preferential prudential treatment came to an end on 31 December 2021. The outstanding amounts of loans subject to public guarantee schemes and loans subject to forbearance measures almost stabilised in the fourth quarter of 2021, at EUR438 billion
Unlike many central banks around the world, the Moroccan monetary authorities decided to maintain their key rate unchanged at 1.5%. Although inflation is accelerating, the surge is recent and relatively mild. In 2021, consumer prices rose at an average annual rate of only 1.4%. In February 2022, they were up 3.6% y/y and the situation will only get worse given the pressures on global commodity markets and the drop-off in national agricultural production. Three quarters of the acceleration in inflation in recent months reflects higher prices for food (+5.5% in February 2022) and transport (+6%), essentially due to external factors. Excluding these two categories, the growth in prices was less than 2%. Domestic pressures are mild
In Spain, the change in house prices and the transaction volume are highly correlated. In an upswing, the latter will be supported by attractive borrowing conditions and confidence in the economic outlook, thereby causing a rise in house prices, which in turn can fuel expectations of further increases and hence raise the transaction volume. Real estate activity in Spain rebounded sharply in 2021 following a drop in 2020 due to the health crisis. The number of housing transactions exceeded 674,000 last year, the highest level since 2007. Even so, this was nearly 30% below the 2006 peak. Demand is still buoyed by historically low borrowing costs and a rising number of Spanish households. As a result, house prices rose significantly in 2021 (at annual rate of 3
The ratio of non-performing loans (NPLs) at Spanish specialised credit institutions (consumer credit, mortgages, leasing and factoring[1]) hit 6.9% in January 2022, its highest January level since 2016. Conversely, the NPL ratio for commercial banks, savings banks and cooperative banks[2] stabilised at 4.2%, its lowest level since March 2009.The increase in the NPL ratio of specialised credit institutions was due to a faster rise in the outstanding amounts of NPLs than in total loans (8.7% and 2.0% respectively between January 2021 and January 2022). Meanwhile, the fall in the outstanding amounts of NPLs at the banks, that began in 2014, has continued, against a background of stable total loans (-5.5% and -0.2% respectively between January 2021 and January 2022)
After a record contraction in the economy in 2020, South Africa’s GDP grew by 4.9% in 2021. This was the highest growth rate since 2007. The strong recovery in the first half of 2021 was held back by rioting over the summer and the return of health protection measures in the face of the Omicron variant in the fourth quarter of 2021. The pace of recovery is likely to continue to slow, with GDP forecast to grow by 1.3% in 2022, according to our estimates. Economic activity will remain structurally constrained by weak potential growth. Inflation keeps accelerating. By the end of 2021, inflation had hit 6% year-on-year (3
France has reported a structural deterioration in the trade balance for goods since 2015. In January 2022, the deficit swelled to a record high, at a cumulative 12-month total of EUR 73 bn according to the Bank of France’s balance of payments statistics (EUR 88 bn according to the definition used by the customs office1). The trend for the industrial goods deficit to swell has accelerated since 2020 with the decline in aeronautics exports since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The deterioration observed since November 2021 is mainly due to higher oil prices.Yet the current account balance, which combines all of France’s foreign trade2, draws a different picture: the cumulative 12-month deficit was limited to EUR 23.4 bn in January
The latest monitoring report by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)1 shows that despite very accommodating monetary policies, the immediately available liquidity position of the big American banks did not improve between Q4 2019 and Q2 2021, unlike that of the big European banks2. According to the first published data, the average short-term liquidity ratio, the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)3 was 116% for the American G-SIBs in Q4 2021, compared to 119% in Q4 2019, while that of the European G-SIBs was about 173% and 141%, respectively. In both cases, the average ratios were still significantly higher than the minimum prudential requirement of 100%
At first glance, Indonesia consolidated its external accounts in 2021. Foreign exchange reserves amounted to USD 131 bn, the equivalent of 8.3 months of imports of goods and services, while the external debt came to only 35% of GDP, which is less than the pre-Covid level. Moreover, the current account showed a slight surplus (0.3% of GDP) for the first time since 2011. The strong performance of the current account reflects the steep increase in the trade surplus, which swelled to 4.1% of GDP, from an average of 1.3% over the past five years. Although imports increased by nearly 6 points of GDP compared to 2020, Indonesia reported a sharp rise in exports, driven up by higher commodity prices for coal, iron ore and palm oil
In Japan, possibly more than anywhere else, it is important to distinguish the dynamics between headline and core inflation. Headline inflation – at 0.5% in January – is bound to rise further, led by higher energy prices. By contrast, core inflation is still deeply in deflationary territory, and this trend is amplifying. Excluding perishable food products and energy, the consumer price index (CPI) declined by 1.2% year-on-year in January, the biggest decline since March 2011. The services sector even has reported the strongest deflation since 1970 (-2,8%), mainly due to the sharp drop in mobile phone charges, down more than 50% since March 2021. Medical services were also down (-0.8% y/y), as was durable household goods (-3,0% y/y), and leisure goods (-1.1% y/y)
The number of contactless card payments[1] increased by 61% in France between 2019 and 2020, according to the latest figures from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). The Covid-19 pandemic has encouraged the increasing use of this payment method, which respects social distancing measures. In addition, in order to increase the number of transactions eligible for contactless payments, the cap was raised from EUR30 to EUR50 per payment. As a result, nearly 60% of payments at point of sell of less than EUR50 were made by contactless bank cards in 2020, worth a total of EUR71 billion (from EUR38 billion in 2019) according to Groupement des Cartes Bancaires[2]. As a result, the share of total digital payments[3] made by non-contactless bank cards fell sharply
Despite a significant improvement in macroeconomic indicators over the past five years, foreign currency liquidity remains a major source of vulnerability for the Egyptian economy. The net foreign asset position of commercial banks has steadily deteriorated over the past year and was in deficit by USD10 billion in December 2021, by far its lowest level for a decade. Meanwhile, gross currency reserves at the central bank grew only very slightly over the year. This deterioration of the external position of the banking system as a whole reflects that of the external accounts. The current account deficit is increasing following a sharp rise in imports
Usually close, French and German inflations, measured on a comparable basis by Eurostat’s harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP), have diverged sharply since the beginning of 2021, with inflation on the other side of the Rhine largely exceeding that in France. In November 2021, the gap reached +2.6 percentage points compared with an average of +0.2 pp since 1991. This difference is, for a part, due to a VAT effect: the decrease in the German rates in the second half of 2020 initially pulled down German inflation but the return to their previous level reverted that trend in 2021. In January 2022, with the end of this VAT effect, German inflation fell back quite significantly (to 5.1% y/y according to Eurostat’s flash estimate, from 5.7% in December) but is still very high
French industry is benefitting from helpful conditions. Production has been boosted by order books that have filled up since spring 2021 and by growing capacity to meet this demand. The INSEE January 2022 business survey showed that inventories of finished products had increased to nearly 84% of their normal level, something not seen since mid-2020. This phenomenon is particularly visible in intermediate goods sectors. In chemicals, plastics and packaging (the ‘wood and paper’ segment), the percentage of current inventories in proportion of a normal level has bounced back even though it remains below this normal level. In metals and electrical equipment, very high inventory levels reflect very strong activity
Since November 2020, there has been a significant increase in repurchase1 agreements by the US Federal Reserve (the Fed) with foreign central banks as part of the Foreign Repo Pool (FRRP). Two statistical series can be used to identify the Fed’s main counterparts.The structure of official foreign reserves2 indicates the amount of deposits (in the broad sense of the term, including repurchase agreements) made by each economy with “foreign central banks, the Bank of International Settlements, and the International Monetary Fund”. Given the weight of the USD, EUR, JPY and GBP in global foreign reserves, the Fed, the European Central Bank (ECB), the Bank of Japan (BoJ) and the Bank of England are probably the main beneficiaries
Euro notes and coins were introduced on 1 January 2022, and the euro is celebrating that 20th anniversary in fairly good shape. However, there are still many plans to improve and strengthen the European project and increase integration. This is shown by the topics on the agenda during the French presidency of the Council of the European Union over the next six months. Priorities will include reforming European fiscal rules, which will be a major topic of debate in 2022. Discussions are underway and decisions should be made this year. The challenge will be to avoid an anticlimax
Gabriel Boric, the candidate heading up the very broad left-wing coalition, won the second round of voting in Chile’s presidential election on 19 December, beating J. Kast, the far-right candidate. While the country’s economic fundamentals have held up relatively well over the past two years, the incoming administration (taking office in March) will have to deal with a number of very thorny issues. Chile’s health situation, high inflation and restrictive monetary policy will be a drag on growth in the short to medium term. What’s more, expectations among the country’s population are very high concerning pension system reforms, access to healthcare and education
The public and private moratoria granted since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic to the Portuguese non-financial private sector[1] have, to a very large extent, now expired. The outstanding amount of loans under moratoria stood at EUR3.1 bn in October 2021, from EUR3.6 bn in March 2020 and a peak of EUR46.3 bn in September 2020. Moratoria now cover only 1.5% of outstanding loans to households and non-financial corporations, from 1.9% in March 2020 and 23.5% in September 2020. The expiry of moratoria since September 2021 has not, so far, resulted in a significant increase in non-performing loans[2]. Their outstanding amount (EUR4.0 billion) and ratio (2.0% of loans) have returned to their July 2008 levels
Weekly charts highlighting points of interest in the world economy