Eco Emerging

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EcoEmerging is the monthly review of the economies of emerging countries. Written by economists from the Country Risk Team of BNP Paribas Economic Research, this publication offers an overview of the economy of a selection of countries through the analysis of the main available economic indicators.

Each economist bases their analysis on the quarterly data (real GDP, inflation, fiscal balance, public debt, foreign exchange reserves, etc.) and focuses on the economic situation of one or more emerging countries in order to keep up with developments in the past quarter. The key themes that they look at include industrial production, quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) and inflation expectations with changes in consumer prices (CPI) and producer prices (PPI), employment and unemployment figures, the real estate market and stakeholder opinions (e.g. household confidence and the business climate). The author comments on the main factors that influence and determine the economic activity of the country concerned and on the economic outlook.

It provides an outline of an emerging economy using indicators for the past quarter and it looks ahead in order to better understand and anticipate the main economic problems of the country in question.