Egypt is heavily exposed to the consequences of global warming due to its Mediterranean geographical location, high population growth and the importance of the agricultural sector. Already deemed critical, water stress is likely to increase in the medium and long term. The deteriorating trend of various vulnerability and resilience indicators, currently at medium levels, is increasing climate risk in the long term. The financial resources of the Egyptian government are extremely constrained, given the deteriorating macroeconomic situation and the unfavourable outlook. Transformation of the energy mix may be partially funded by private capital. However, funding for climate change reduction and adaptation policies, by definition less profitable in the short term, remains problematic.
After years of financing through international markets and China, Kenya is facing a considerable increase in external debt servicing, which has led to strong pressure on external liquidity and on the shilling. Sustained economic growth in 2021-2022 was not enough to stabilise debt ratios. Renewed in late May 2023, support from multilateral creditors has helped to partially reconstitute official foreign exchange reserves and somewhat reassured investors. But the risk of social instability has increased significantly due to committed fiscal consolidation efforts and persistent high inflation.
The Ivorian economy seems to have weathered well the various external shocks since 2020. Growth has remained robust and inflation relatively under control. However, the measures put in place by the authorities to protect the population and the continuation of major public infrastructure projects have significantly widened the budget deficit, while financing conditions have deteriorated. In order to reduce pressure on public finances and external accounts, the authorities have called on the IMF. They have embarked on a fiscal consolidation programme that could prove difficult to complete.
The scenario of a slowdown in the emerging economies in 2023 is based on two hypotheses: 1) a slowdown in global trade and 2) the recessionary impact of inflation and monetary tightening. The first hypothesis is now a certainty: exports have clearly contracted in recent months, in both the advanced countries and emerging economies. The causes are partially circumstantial, and hopefully the cooling of world trade will only be cyclical. It is possible, however, that the trade and technological decoupling of the US and China are also a contributing factor.
Chinese economic growth has re-accelerated since the end of January, mainly driven by services and household consumption. The recovery in manufacturing activity is more moderate. In the real estate sector, the crisis is lessening. These improvements will continue in the short term. However, constraints on economic growth remain significant; they principally stem from the weakening global demand and geopolitical tensions as well as from financial difficulties for property developers, local governments and their financing vehicles. Beyond this, the question arises of a lasting loss of confidence in the Chinese private sector.
In 2022, economic growth slowed but was still buoyant. The outlook for 2023/2024 is favourable even though real GDP growth should slow by around 1 percentage point. In the short term, the main risks are linked to rising prices, which could force the Central Bank to tighten its monetary policy further. The occurrence of the El Niño phenomenon is also a potentially negative factor. Despite the slowdown in growth and the rise in interest rates (48% of loans are at a variable rate), banks and companies remain much stronger than at the end of 2019. In its latest stress tests, the Central Bank reaffirmed that, despite the deteriorating economic and financial environment, public banks would not need any capital injection to meet capital requirements.
Over the past twelve months, the economic situation in Pakistan has deteriorated dramatically. The government has been facing a balance-of-payments crisis and, as a result, has had to take extensive measures to try to contain the drop in its foreign exchange reserves and fulfil the IMF’s requirements in order to receive the funds needed to avoid defaulting on its external debt.Restrictions on imports, the sharp rise in policy rates, the depreciation of the rupee and the dramatic cut in budget spending have significantly hindered economic growth and triggered a very sharp rise in inflationary pressures. Since February 2023, the external position has improved very slightly. However, it is still very fragile and the default risk remains very high.
Korean economic growth lagged behind in Q4 2022, and the slowdown is expected to continue in 2023. Exports will suffer from slowing global demand, while domestic demand will be penalised by rising interest rates and persistent inflation. The risks of financial instability remain limited, but have increased in recent months. Household debt is high at almost 110% of GDP, and households are very exposed to rising interest rates. In fact, 76% of loans to households are being taken out at a variable rate. Potential credit risks though remain limited to the most vulnerable households.
Despite the war in Ukraine, Poland’s economic growth was relatively solid in 2022. However, it was erratic with a sharp GDP contraction in Q2 and Q4. For 2023, despite a negative carry-over effect, recession will probably be avoided due to continuous fiscal support. Inflationary pressures remain high in the short term due to wage pressures and the return of the VAT rate on energy to its initial rate. The temporary blocking of European funds since 2022 might, at first glance, raise concerns against a backdrop in which public and external accounts have worsened. However, the inflow of foreign direct investment is a notable shock absorber. In 2022, these flows more than offset the current account deficit.
The Executive's calls for monetary authorities to lower rates are fuelling debates on the appropriate inflation target, the permanence of the Central Bank’s independence and the right calibration for the policy mix. The opposition between both parties is weighing on inflation expectations due to uncertainty over the path of economic policy. To help create favourable conditions for monetary easing, the government has accelerated the presentation of its new fiscal framework. Following the downturn in activity in Q4 2022, the economy should temporarily return to growth in Q1 2023, driven by the strong performance of the agricultural sector. The deceleration - which began in the second half of 2022 - is however expected to resume its course for the remainder of the year
Economic growth should slow significantly in 2023. The relative resilience of private consumption will not be enough to offset the slowdown in external demand, particularly from the US. In addition, the investment outlook remains limited. In the medium term, the Mexican economy could benefit from the relocation of American companies, a trend recently accelerated by the disruption of value chains linked to the pandemic and trade tensions between China and the United States. To take full advantage of this, Mexico will need to restore investor confidence and meet its energy policy commitments.
Argentina’s economy is in turmoil. Since Q4 2022, it has been mired in a recession that is bound to extend at least through H1 2023. The farm sector has been plagued by misfortune: for the third consecutive year it has been hit by drought – whose intensity has been compounded by climate change – and an outbreak of avian influenza. Inflation has soared, forcing the central bank to tighten monetary policy. Despite fiscal efforts, the balance of payments and foreign reserves are coming under increasingly fierce pressures, even with IMF support. The government has rolled out a series of measures to avoid wasting foreign reserves and defaulting on its external debt with official creditors. It has also had to offer a proposal to reschedule domestic debt in the local currency.
Oil production feeds growth volatility in Saudi Arabia, as evidenced by the slowdown expected this year. Nevertheless, the non-oil economy is benefiting from the momentum of investment and household consumption against a backdrop of gradual transformation of the economy and the labour market. State intervention and a favourable exchange rate effect are keeping inflation at moderate levels. Against this favourable economic backdrop, bank lending to the private sector is very dynamic, creating some strain on bank liquidity. The budget surplus posted in 2022 is not likely to be repeated this year due to the expected downturn in oil production and prices. However, public finances are on a positive trajectory thanks to the increase in non-oil revenues.
The crisis is taking hold in Egypt, as evidenced by the deterioration in all macroeconomic indicators. Activity is slowing down against a backdrop of high inflation, caused in particular by the depreciation of the exchange rate. The balance of payments crisis has been endemic for a year, and the international support plan initiated by the IMF has not allowed any reduction in tensions regarding foreign currency liquidity. Despite the sharp rise in nominal rates on government securities, international investors remain cautious due to the very high level of inflation and expectations of currency depreciation. The external financing requirement will remain high for at least two years, with the privatisation programme only providing partial relief
The Algerian economy has enjoyed almost unprecedented favourable conditions for a decade. 2022 saw twin surpluses return thanks to soaring global hydrocarbon prices and a lower than expected fiscal support. Despite the fragile international environment, the outlook for 2023 is positive and macroeconomic risks are limited. Nevertheless, the persistently high inflation poses a risk that must be monitored. Above all, soaring public spending planned in the budget could contribute to further medium-term macroeconomic imbalances, without providing a major boost to economic activity, however.
After years of underinvestment in its power grid, South Africa is experiencing daily load shedding, the intensity of which has only increased in recent months. Economic activity is severely impacted. The restoration of electricity production capacities will be slow, which will have a significant impact on growth and the trade balance in 2023. Supply-side constraints will keep inflation high, while the unemployment rate is a concern. Under these conditions, the ruling party, the ANC, will be pushed to revise its budgetary consolidation trajectory downwards. Furthermore, the partial transfer of the debt of electricity company Eskom to the government will contribute to a sharp increase in public debt.
Over the past few months, the equity markets of the main emerging financial centres have shown a little more optimism. They are betting on a recovery in growth in China after the lifting of health restrictions, on the positive effect of the drop in commodity prices for importing countries and on the impact of US monetary tightening and the appreciation of the dollar to be less severe than expected. The first two arguments are uncertain and must be put into perspective. The financial shock is probably behind us. But its negative impact on investment will continue this year. Likewise, the acceleration of inflation in 2022 could have diffuse effects on household consumption, even if wages were to catch up.
The sudden and ill-prepared abandonment of the zero-Covid policy at the start of December 2022 has plunged China into further turbulence. The large epidemic wave has hindered production in the manufacturing sector and again delayed the recovery in private consumption and activity in the services sector. However, assuming that the pandemic starts to ease off in February 2023, domestic demand should finally rebound, helped by additional monetary and fiscal support measures. On the other hand, exports are likely to remain affected by the weakness in global demand. While the current account surplus should narrow in 2023, how capital flows will develop is more uncertain.
The Indian economy coped well with the external environment in 2022, but slowed down mainly because of inflationary pressures. Over the fiscal year which will end in March 2023, the budget deficit could exceed the initial target, but the overrun should be marginal and the debt-to-GDP ratio should continue to fall. The government’s refinancing risks remain contained. On the other hand, the tensions on external accounts are likely to remain relatively strong, mainly as a result of the fall in exports in an unfavourable international context. Nonetheless, the central bank should be able to contain the depreciation of the rupee. While foreign exchange reserves have fallen significantly, they are still sufficient to cover the country’s external financing needs.
Malaysia’s economy held up well in 2022. Economic growth may have exceeded 8% and public finances strengthened thanks to the sharp rise in oil revenues. Furthermore, although external accounts weakened due to capital outflows and increased imports, the current account balance remained in surplus and the ringgit depreciated moderately against the dollar over the year as a whole. The outlook for 2023 is less favourable. Economic growth is expected to decelerate given the monetary tightening and the global economic slowdown. Public finance risks are still contained even though debt remains above pre-crisis levels. The new government should present its 2023 budget in parliament at the end of February. Its budgetary strategy should be in line with that of the previous government
The government of the Philippines maintained health restrictions linked to the pandemic for longer than the average period in emerging countries, with some regions still under lockdown until April 2022. The rebound in activity is not yet finished, and the strength of consumer spending, still supported by remittances, should help to offset the effects of higher inflation and the slowdown in global growth. Economic growth is expected to slow in 2023, but should remain solid. However, the after-effects from the crisis and health measures are weighing on the medium-term outlook.
Vietnam benefited from a solid recovery in its economic growth in 2022, supported by the dynamism of both the export sector and domestic demand. However, the country has also become increasingly vulnerable to the deterioration of the international environment. Exports fell in Q4 2022 and these difficulties are expected to persist in the short term. Inflation accelerated in 2022, the dong depreciated under the effect of US monetary tightening and capital outflows, and the Central Bank began to increase its policy rates. In addition, there was a confidence shock caused by reports of fraud in the local bond market. Against this backdrop, liquidity tensions emerged in the financial sector
Türkiye has enjoyed a period of financial calm since mid-2022 with exchange rate stability relative to the first half of the year, lower risk premiums and bond yields. Growth stagnated in Q3 2022, but monthly inflation slowed and the economic indicators available for Q4 2022 continued to be positive. For 2023, a slowdown is inevitable given the weaker levels of activity expected from the country’s main trading partners. But domestic demand could mitigate the external shock and the fall in oil prices should help to reduce the current account deficit. However, it is still too early to draw any conclusions about the success of economic policy combining fiscal support, monetary easing, and measures to channel the growth of credit and to encourage liraization.
Economic activity weakened in the third quarter. The outlook remains gloomy in the short term. Last September, the central bank ended its monetary tightening cycle in the face of downside risks to growth. This policy is currently not very consistent with the trajectory of inflation. Meanwhile, fiscal policy was tightened in the second half of the year due to the marked deterioration in budget deficit. The EU’s freezing of funds in 2022, depriving the Hungarian authorities of a source of income, has probably weighed on their decision. While this recalibration limits support for growth, it strengthens the credibility of Hungary’s fiscal policy.
GDP growth was resilient in the first three quarters of 2022 but is expected to slow down significantly in 2023. Inflation will be a key feature to monitor as price stability is one of the economic convergence criteria for Bulgaria’s future entry into the Eurozone in 2024. Another point of concern is that the political scene continues to be subject to uncertainty given the many changes in the government over the past 20 months. Investment has suffered as a result of this situation. However, the commitment of the authorities towards reforms does not appear to have been affected.
EcoEmerging is the monthly review of the economies of emerging countries. Written by economists from the Country Risk Team of BNP Paribas Economic Research, this publication offers an overview of the economy of a selection of countries through the analysis of the main available economic indicators.
Each economist bases their analysis on the quarterly data (real GDP, inflation, fiscal balance, public debt, foreign exchange reserves, etc.) and focuses on the economic situation of one or more emerging countries in order to keep up with developments in the past quarter. The key themes that they look at include industrial production, quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) and inflation expectations with changes in consumer prices (CPI) and producer prices (PPI), employment and unemployment figures, the real estate market and stakeholder opinions (e.g. household confidence and the business climate). The author comments on the main factors that influence and determine the economic activity of the country concerned and on the economic outlook.
It provides an outline of an emerging economy using indicators for the past quarter and it looks ahead in order to better understand and anticipate the main economic problems of the country in question.