The Economic Research Portal

Who are we?

Based in Paris, BNP Paribas' Economic Research Department is composed of economists and statisticians:

  • The OECD Economics team, in charge of macroeconomic and financial forecasts, and the team of statisticians, both headed by Hélène Baudchon.
  • The Emerging Economies and Country Risk team, led by François Faure and assisted by Christine Peltier, responsible for assessing country risk and its components.
  • The Banking Economics team, led by Laurent Quignon, studies the banking systems of major developed countries and the impact of prudential standards.

Group Chief Economist

The Economic Research department’s mission is to cater to the economic research needs of the clients, business lines and functions of BNP Paribas. Our team of economists and statisticians covers a large number of advanced, developing and emerging countries, the real economy, financial markets and banking. As we foster the sharing of our research output with anyone who is interested in the economic situation or who needs insight into specific economic issues, this website presents our analysis, videos and podcasts.

Follow her publications
Stéphane COLLIAC

+ 33 1 42 98 26 77


France, Germany, Netherlands


Eco Flash
Eco Perspectives
Eco Week
Eco Conjoncture
EcoTV Week
Eco Emerging
Charts of the Week
Podcast - Macro Waves
Eco Brief
Eco Pulse
Special Edition


Eco Week

Economic scenario

01/02/2023 • By Christine PELTIER and Hélène BAUDCHON and Tarik RHARRAB and Stéphane COLLIAC

Outlook for GDP growth, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates

Eco Week

Economic scenario

12/12/2022 • By Christine PELTIER and Hélène BAUDCHON and Tarik RHARRAB and Stéphane COLLIAC

An update of the GDP Growth and inflation data, interest and exchange rates