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Inflationary pressures in France continue to grow. The INSEE retail survey for May set a new record, with a balance of opinion on expected selling prices that reached 43, from 36 in April and a long-term average of -2. The housing development sector saw the biggest share of companies forecasting price increases. This echoes the increase in building materials prices and reflects strong household demand: on average over the last three months nearly 25% of households in the INSEE consumer survey have indicated that they intend to spend on housing development (against a long-term average of 21%). This said, the proportion is down on the figure of 26.7% reported for October 2021, suggesting that this demand has wilted somewhat in the face of strong inflation
The sharp rise in energy prices since April 2021 has been the main driving force behind the current surge in Eurozone inflation. The outbreak of war in Ukraine on 24 February accentuated this trend, sending the energy component of the harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) up 44.4% y/y in March 2022. Faced with this situation, the governments of the four main Eurozone economies under review in this article have acted to try to buffer the shock on economic players, and notably on household purchasing power, via direct subsidies, tax cuts, price regulations and measures to boost nominal incomes
Inflation is continuing to spread among the various components of the consumer price index (CPI). The energy component fell slightly in April (-2.5% m/m) after the government introduced a fuel rebate, but that decline was more than offset by faster inflation in other components of the CPI. Food prices in particular rose by 1.4% m/m in April, the sharpest increase for 20 years, beating figures seen in previous waves of food price inflation in 2007-08 and 2011. Food was the main contributor (0.2 points) to monthly inflation in April (0.4% m/m).
French inflation hit 4.5% y/y in March according to the final INSEE estimate, due mainly to another jump in energy costs (up 9% in March alone, a 29.2% increase year-on-year). At the same time, this inflation appears to be starting to bite when it comes to consumer spending on goods: having fallen significantly in January (-2% m/m), this saw only a limited recovery in February (+0.8% m/m). The latest INSEE survey of household confidence was anything but reassuring about the prospects of a short-term rebound. Consumer confidence has fallen sharply, particularly because of fears of further price increases: the balance of opinion on the outlook for prices rose by 50 points, taking it to record levels.
Inflation continued to rise in early 2022 to the point that it began to erode household confidence in March. These purchasing power problems foreshadow a decline in consumer spending. With fiscal support measures limiting the increase in inflation (by nearly 2 percentage points in April), growth is expected to remain slightly positive (0.3% in Q1 and 0.1% in Q2 according to our estimates).
Countries neighbouring Russia and Ukraine are more exposed than those in Western Europe. Among the latter, there are differences, with Germany and Italy being more dependent on Russian gas than France, Spain or Portugal. The countries that import the most from Russia are also the most dependent on Ukrainian imports. The exposure of European countries to Russia and Ukraine, and their vulnerabilities to the economic repercussions of the war between these two countries, result primarily from the high weight of their imports of Russian energy supplies and Ukrainian food and agricultural products
In France, the year 2021 ended with the highest employment rate since the 1970s, the lowest jobless rate since 2008, and a record number of job creations since the Second World War. Half of the labour market’s dynamic momentum can be attributed to the rebound in job creations in the sectors hit hardest by the Covid-19 crisis (notably catering and temporary employment services). The pandemic has also bolstered employment in healthcare and education. Yet the private market sector still bears the marks of the health crisis: employment is 1.3% below the level that it would have reached had the growth rates observed in 2017-19 continued through the end of 2021 (using the same calculation method, real GDP growth is still lagging by 2.2%). The employment rate for the 15-64 age group rose to 67
French GDP growth remained positive in early 2022, as illustrated by the relatively stable INSEE’s survey results through February, in terms of households, businesses and employment. Inflation rose significantly in February, up 3.6% y/y, but it was held down by the stability of regulated gas prices and the cap on electricity prices, which rose only 4%. According to the INSEE’s most recent economic update, inflation would have hit 5.1% without these control mechanisms.
France has reported a structural deterioration in the trade balance for goods since 2015. In January 2022, the deficit swelled to a record high, at a cumulative 12-month total of EUR 73 bn according to the Bank of France’s balance of payments statistics (EUR 88 bn according to the definition used by the customs office1). The trend for the industrial goods deficit to swell has accelerated since 2020 with the decline in aeronautics exports since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The deterioration observed since November 2021 is mainly due to higher oil prices.Yet the current account balance, which combines all of France’s foreign trade2, draws a different picture: the cumulative 12-month deficit was limited to EUR 23.4 bn in January
According to insolvencies and corporate margins figures, the situation of French companies has improved significantly between 2016 and 2021. Business insolvencies are down roughly 50%. According to our estimates, this has contributed to save 210,000 jobs over the period, including 170,000 jobs during the pandemic alone. Corporate margins have improved by 1.4pp during the last five years and taxation has decreased. Public finance support has been a key driver of this improvement, including through lower corporate and production taxes and, during the pandemic, higher subsidies to production. In 2022, this improvement should reverse partially, mainly because of higher inflation
Abundant job creations in the Eurozone helped bring down the unemployment rate to a historically low level in 2021, but this has also led to hiring difficulties and labour shortages. Labour shortages seem to be having the most restrictive impact in Germany (in all sectors), given the already low unemployment rate. They seem to be weakest in Italy where the job market is less dynamic, and this hierarchy was confirmed regardless of the sector. In France, labour market tensions are the highest in the construction, and comparatively less important in the manufacturing and services sectors. Production constraints due to labour shortages have reached a record high in the services sector, especially in Germany
Purchasing power is a major concern for French households, a hot topic that is currently acute. For the first time since 1989, inflation is expected to rise above the 3% threshold for most of the year 2022. Aggregate household revenue is growing at a dynamic pace, offsetting the observed inflation impact. Purchasing power has increased by 2.3% in 2021 and a slight gain at 0.2% is even possible in 2022. Strong job creations have bolstered the total disposable income of French households. Looking at the average compensation, purchasing power has increased by 1.1% in 2021, but is expected to contract by 0.6% in 2022
Health restrictions implemented in front of a new wave of the Covid 19 pandemic dominated by the Omicron variant seem to have had only a mild impact on growth in early 2022, and the gradual lifting of these restrictions bodes well for a rebound in growth. These disruptions occurred in the midst of a rather favourable environment.
The issue of de-industrialisation is often raised in France. Indeed, manufacturing now represents only 13% of GDP and 12% of payrolls (against 19% and 15% respectively in 2000). Capacity in French industry peaked in the early 2000s, before experiencing multiple setbacks; in parallel, industrial employment fell, and the trade deficit widened. Production capacity has reduced further in recent years and is nearly 20% lower than it was in the early 2000s. Although order books are overall the same as in 2018, production capacity is nearly 6% lower, which may explain why French industry is struggling to keep up with demand. A rebuilding of production capacity would be possible
French industry is benefitting from helpful conditions. Production has been boosted by order books that have filled up since spring 2021 and by growing capacity to meet this demand. The INSEE January 2022 business survey showed that inventories of finished products had increased to nearly 84% of their normal level, something not seen since mid-2020. This phenomenon is particularly visible in intermediate goods sectors. In chemicals, plastics and packaging (the ‘wood and paper’ segment), the percentage of current inventories in proportion of a normal level has bounced back even though it remains below this normal level. In metals and electrical equipment, very high inventory levels reflect very strong activity
The Ukrainian economy has suffered an accumulation of external and domestic shocks: the pandemic (vaccination rates are still low), the ongoing geopolitical risk, and domestic political tensions. Adding to these factors, inflation has accelerated over the past year. However, the Covid-19 crisis has been much better absorbed than was the case for the crises of 2008 and 2014. The current account balance has recovered and foreign currency reserves have increased, thanks in particular to higher commodity prices (cereals and metals). International support (mainly from the IMF and European Union) provided the required complement, allowing fiscal support to the economy. However, the country remains exposed to a sudden stop of capital flows
The French economy seems to be getting off to a relatively good start in 2022, despite the introduction of tighter restrictions as a result of the Omicron wave. Positive momentum in the fourth quarter of 2021 – likely to be confirmed by GDP figures due on 28 January – has continued overall in the manufacturing and construction industries.
The first indications for Q4 2021 suggest that the main confidence indicators are holding at high levels, especially business sentiment. The improvement in the French labour market observed over the past several months also seems to be continuing. With Q3 GDP growth recently confirmed at 3% q/q, France should have no trouble reaching our full-year 2021 forecast of 6.7%. Even so, our Pulse seems to suggest that growth is slowing, held back by several headwinds. The first is the lag between order books and the turnaround time necessary for companies to meet demand. Order books have been full for several months, but supply disruptions are accumulating.
Manufacturing in Poland, as in the other central European countries, has been hit by increasingly severe shortages of inputs. Numerous components are in short supply, from semi-conductors to plastic parts. As a result, automobile production is down 15% from the high of year-end 2020, while electrical equipment is down 8% compared to the May 2021 peak. In both cases, production declined even though order books are relatively strong. Moreover, they have had a direct impact on the current account balance, which suddenly dropped from an average monthly surplus of EUR 500 m in H1 2021 to a deficit of about EUR 1.5 bn a month starting in July
Hungary is benefiting fully from a high international trade exposure, which is now driving its growth. Supply-side pressures are increasing, with high capacity utilisation rates and rising scarcity of labour. These local issues come on top of global industrial shortages. This has resulted in a significant acceleration in inflation, to which the Central Bank has responded with its first policy rate increase in 10 years. Nevertheless, monetary policy remains relatively accommodative, as the Central Bank has acquired the equivalent of nearly 5 points of GDP of government debt in 2021. This support is important in a context where access to European funding (including the resilience and recovery plan) remains subject to sticking points (notably the rule of law clause)
Turkey is enjoying strong economic growth in 2021, following the credit-driven stimulus implemented in 2020. The cumulative performance over 2020 and 2021 has allowed the country to close the growth gap that resulted from the series of shocks between 2018 and 2020. Investment and the industrial sector have thus regained their previous size. Foreign currency reserves have recovered from the low levels they reached in 2020. Nevertheless, this has come at a price: inflation is running well ahead of levels seen in other emerging economies. As well as common factors (rising prices for oil and other commodities), there are specific country drivers (depreciation of the lira, untimely monetary policy decisions)
Covid-19 was only a temporary brake on Polish growth. The economy is outperforming its neighbours’, with a shallower recession in 2020 and an earlier recovery. Credit risk appears to be under relatively good control, despite high levels of participation for the loan repayment moratorium scheme. Supply side constraints are even raising fears of a temporary overheating of the economy, with an increase in inflation. However, a strong current account surplus and the good control of government debt are stabilising factors. Poland’s economic growth potential remains unchanged, even though the prospect of international tax harmonisation may slow down foreign investment.
The Romanian economy is in the midst of a spectacular rebound. Real GDP has already returned to pre-Covid levels, and growth should reach 8.2% in 2021. But this performance has been accompanied by high fiscal and external deficits. Consequently, contrary to the other Central European countries, public debt is unlikely to narrow by 2022. Private-sector borrowers benefited from a moratorium on debt payments, but debt formerly under moratorium now presents a non-performing loan ratio of 10.9%. Nonetheless, the banking system should be able to absorb these losses. However, one factor worth monitoring is the rapid growth in housing loans.
Growth in Central Europe looks set to accelerate in the 2nd quarter of 2021, after already a good performance in the 2nd half of 2020, as indicated by the capacity utilisation rate in the manufacturing sector. This highlights good resilience despite a shortage of chips in the automotive sector and a fairly severe 3rd wave of Covid in the 1st quarter of 2021. Improving business conditions in the industrial sector stem from the on-going recovery in demand, specifically for exports: this has already allowed economic activity in the Czech Republic and Slovakia to move above pre-Covid levels, whilst the Polish and Romanian economies have returned to around pre-crisis levels. This performance should allow the region’s GDP to recover its pre-Covid levels before the end of 2021 (growth of 4
The November 2020 announcement that monetary policy would move in a new direction had tamed financial tensions. However, as the Central Bank Governor was removed in March 2021, uncertainty came back. Exchange rate depreciation pressures have reappeared and interest rates and risk premiums have risen. Growth support will be the top policy priority, but at the price of maintaining significant macroeconomic imbalances. Credit risk is not reflected into the non-performing loan ratio but the forbearance period which is allowing the postponement of their reporting will end at mid-2021. The observed corporate investment recovery is welcomed, as a precondition to improve potential growth, but other conditions such as productivity growth are still missing.