The GDP contraction of 0.1% q/q in the fourth quarter of 2022 – due to a marked drop in consumer spending (-1.6% q/q) and the negative contribution from inventories – should not lead us to overlook the very good investment figures.
Trends in the PMI indices are making a short-term economic downturn less likely. Our initial forecasts of a contraction in economic activity for Q1 2023 were also revised upwards, with moderate growth now expected (+0.2% q/q).
In February, the evolution of business climate survey data was positive. On the other hand, consumer confidence surveys have moved in opposite direction:
According to the ONS, British GDP recovered by 0.3% m/m in January, after dropping 0.5% m/m in December. Services contributed 0.4 points, thanks in part to a return to normal working levels in January.
Japan's economic growth stalled significantly in January. Chinese New Year on 22 January likely contributed to the sharp drop in industrial production, which was down 5.3% m/m.
Economic indicators for the first two months of 2023 show a rebound in activity following the abandon of China’s zero Covid policy in early December and the end of disruptions caused by a spike in contaminations in December-January.
As we enter 2023, the economies of the major OECD countries continue to show signs of resilience.
In January 2023, according to S&P Global PMI data, the business climate continued to improve for the third month in a row, bringing the composite index just above the 50-point expansion mark for the first time since June 2022. This recovery applies to both the manufacturing sector and services, and it is good news. We regard it as a sign of relief following over-pessimism at the end of 2022 fuelled by fears about energy supply and soaring prices. A relapse cannot be ruled out.
Business climate indicators show relative improvement (for example, the IFO rose from 84.3 in September 2022 to 91.1 in February 2023), attesting to better than expected business activity, particularly as fears of a worsening energy crisis did not materialise. However, these indicators are still below normal, in line with negative growth in Q4.
According to Insee, the business climate in the French manufacturing industry was stable over the last few months. Deterioration was seen in services, albeit gradual, with the index sliding from 107 in August to 104 in December, before climbing back up to 106 in February. This picture is in keeping with a slower pace of growth, while avoiding recession.
Italy’s job market is taking longer to recover than in neighbouring countries. However, employment is close to topping the peak reached in June 2019, with a gap of just 7,000 jobs in December 2022. The employment rate (15 to 64-year-olds) has reached a new record of 60.5%, while unemployment remains stable at 7.8%. Youth unemployment (15 to 24-year-olds) is at its lowest since September 2008.
The improved business climate points to a risk of an upwards revision in our current estimate of contraction in Spain’s GDP in Q1 2023. The composite PMI topped the 50-point threshold in January at 51.6, five months after slipping below this level. This rebound can be attributed to services (52.7), while further contraction was seen in manufacturing activity (48.4). While manufacturing production increased by 0.8% m/m in December and 2.8% in 2022, it has only just closed the gap relative to 2019.
Signs from the ISM business climate surveys were contrasting in January, with a further decline in the manufacturing sector index, going deeper into the contraction zone at 47.4, while the non-manufacturing sector made a strong rebound to 55.2, cancelling out almost its entire December fall.
Following a 0.5% m/m fall in GDP in December according to the ONS, activity in the UK deteriorated in January before making a strong rebound in February according to the PMI survey, particularly in the service sector. The PMI was 49.2 for the manufacturing sector and 53.3 for services. Among the bad news, company insolvencies (up 59% y/y in 2022) reached their highest level since 2009.
Surveys of Japanese services companies (Services PMI, Economy Watchers Survey) offer little visibility, having fluctuated up and down for several months. Manufacturing sector indices show a clearer trend, with gradual deterioration in activity despite the significant reduction in tensions in production chains closely linked to Japanese manufacturers. The manufacturing PMI remained below the expansion threshold in January at 48.9, having been in near constant decline for the last 10 months.
Surprisingly, according to European Commission surveys such as the Standard Poor's Global PMIs, the business climate improved quite significantly in the Eurozone despite the accumulation of setbacks. The improvement was evident in all activity sectors as well as in relation to advanced components (for new orders). However, the level of the surveys remains relatively depressed.
Business climate indicators in recent months have been affected by the significant impact of the energy shock, as well as by fears that this shock will get worse during the winter. The difficulties linked to the international context (before China’s economy opened up again) have also hurt the German economy.
The gradual deterioration in the business climate suggests a slowdown in French growth, which may even have fallen into negative territory in the 4th quarter, a contraction which would be consistent with the decline in the balance of opinions about production in the economic survey in industry.
The obstacles which the Italian economy is facing remain significant. Unlike its European neighbours, inflation in Italy is not slowing down. It fell only slightly in December, from 12.6% to 12.3%, and remains the highest in Western Europe. While the Italian labour market continues to recover given the fall in the unemployment rate, this indicator masks underlying dynamics which are less positive for economic growth.
Most of the measures to freeze energy prices will be maintained in 2023 and the Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez unveiled a new budget of EUR 10 bn intended to support households. This will help to contain food price inflation and counteract the upward pressure on prices caused by the end of the fuel rebate since 1st January 2023.
According to January’s Beige Book published by the Federal Reserve (Fed), economic activity has remained relatively unchanged in all 12 districts since the previous report. However, activity is slowing in the manufacturing sector, despite the mitigation of disruptions in the supply chain. The decline in net real disposable income, combined with higher borrowing costs, is expected to moderate future consumer spending.
According to the latest business surveys, economic activity in the UK continues to contract. According to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), confidence balances in the industrial and distributive trades sectors (retail and wholesale sales) are clearly deteriorating while rebounding slightly in the services sector
Inflation continues to weigh on consumer confidence, while a large proportion of Japanese households will see further increases in the price of electricity next March, with most suppliers having announced price increases from this month.