More FOMC members than before are projecting a rate hike in 2022 and Jerome Powell made it clear during his press conference that tapering would happen when circumstances would justify this. Yet, 10 year Treasury yields, after an initial increase, ended up trading below the pre-FOMC meeting level. Break-even inflation also declined. Bond investors seem to share the view of the Fed that the current elevated inflation will be a transient phenomenon. This also explains the decline in the price of gold. The negative reaction of equity markets reflects an increase in the required risk premium and shows a certain unease about the impact of a less accommodative monetary policy on the growth outlook.
Our barometer this week shows a phenomenon that is attracting increasing comment in the US: a significant rise in inflation as the Covid-19 pandemic recedes. Some people, including the Chair of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell, are playing down the increase, while others, such as former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers and economist Nouriel Roubini, see it as a possible paradigm shift.
The ‘great inflation’ of the 1970s had many causes. The policy objective of full employment had already led to high inflation by the end of the 1960s. Two oil shocks and the depreciation of the dollar caused additional increases. The key factor was monetary policy, which was not adapted to the circumstances. It reflected the view that the Fed did not have a mandate to tolerate the sizeable increase in unemployment that might have ensued from the aggressive tightening needed to bring inflation under control. In addition, inflation was considered to be a cost-push phenomenon that could be addressed with wage and price controls. Today’s situation is very different. The Federal Reserve is an independent central bank and inflation expectations are well-anchored
The vaccine keeps its promises, so does Joe Biden. With USD 400 bn in stimulus checks nearly in pockets and partial immunity achieved against Covid 19, Americans are on the move to spend again. After a record-breaking month of March, private consumption surged by more than 10% (seasonally adjusted annual rate, saar) in the first quarter. GDP rose 6.4% (saar) and will continue to accelerate in the weeks and months ahead.
In the United States, there has been a series of “once-in-a-generation” recovery plans that have little in common. Unlike the USD 1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan” adopted in March, the nearly USD 2.3 trillion “American Jobs Plan” proposed by President Biden is geared towards the long term and aims to be fully financed through taxes. Designed to defend America’s strategic interests, the plan’s philosophy is similar to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Yet the Biden administration is not foregoing a multilateral framework: its plan is also intended to serve as a vehicle for international fiscal harmonisation.
It is a true pleasure to read the April 2021 edition of the Beige Book, which the Federal Reserve Board (Fed) publishes eight times a year on current economic conditions in the US. Without exception, all twelve districts covered by Fed surveys reported an improvement in the business climate, with the wealthiest and most productive regions of the northeast, like Philadelphia, bordering on euphoria.
The US economy has taken off. Bolstered by the easing of the Covid-19 pandemic as much as by unprecedented fiscal support, GDP will soar by at least 6% in 2021, surpassing the pre-crisis level of 2019. Inflation will accelerate and temporarily overshoot the Federal Reserve’s 2% target. Nonetheless, the central bank will not deviate from its accommodating stance. The Fed’s top priority is employment, which continues to bear the scars of the crisis and has a long way to go before making up for all of the lost ground. As a result, monetary conditions will remain accommodating, both for the economy and the markets, even at the risk of encouraging some excessive behaviour.
On 17 March, the US Federal Reserve (Fed) raised the ceiling on transactions under its Reverse Repo Program (RRP). Each eligible counterparty* can now take, on each trading day, up to USD 80 billion in Treasuries held by the Fed on repo, from a limit of USD30 billion previously. Introduced in the autumn of 2013, one year before the ending of QE3 (the Fed’s third quantitative easing programme) and two years before the beginning of the post-crisis monetary tightening, this facility saw high levels of participation by money market funds (with interest rates of between 0.01% and 0.07% up to the end of 2015) and helped establish a floor for short-term market interest rates
Totalling USD 1.9 trillion or 9 percent of GDP, the American Rescue Plan ranks among the largest stimulus packages ever launched in the United States. The plan aims to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, but does not stop there. The new supportive measures, combined with those approved in December 2020, could rapidly bring the US economy under pressure; Inflation is not the biggest threat, even though it is expected to rise above 2%. The surge in prices is likely to be short lived since global competition and the accelerating digital revolution are bound to have a moderating effect. Among the possible harmful effects is the risk of fuelling speculative behaviours in certain market segments (tech stocks, high-yield bonds…).
The new economic projections of the FOMC members reflect a big but temporary boost to growth from the fiscal stimulus and the normalisation of economic activity as the adult population is vaccinated. They expect a limited, temporary increase of inflation. Four participants now expect that the circumstances would warrant an increase in the federal funds rate next year. Seven expect this to be the case in 2023. Fed chairman Powell was quick to point out that the projections are not a committee forecast and that the data do not justify a change in policy. This message clearly anchors short-term interest rates, whereas longer-term bond yields fluctuate on the waves of ease or unease about where the federal funds rate could be several years into the future.
With deaths from Covid-19 having exceeded the startling level of 500,000 in the US, other cheerier statistics have driven the markets forward; The acceleration in the vaccination campaign, which has already administered 100 million doses, and the associated fall in the number of new cases, to close to their lowest level since the pandemic began, have, day by day, built hope that the crisis is nearing its end...
Until recently, the rise in long-term interest rates did not stop the equity market from moving higher, but events this week suggest investors are becoming increasingly concerned. The possible impact of higher bond yields on share prices, depends on what causes the increase: faster growth, a decline in uncertainty, rising inflation expectations.The last factor is the trickiest one because it may cause a profound reassessment of the outlook for monetary policy. Over the past two decades, the relationship between rising rates and the equity market has not been statistically significant. Gradualism in monetary policy has played a role. Recent statements by Jerome Powell show he is very much aware of the importance of avoiding to create surprises.
The dire state of the labour market requires a major support effort for the economy. This view is shared by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell and Treasury Secretary Yellen. The massive fiscal stimulus plan prepared by the Biden administration has received criticism from prominent economists. They argue that the plan is too big and could trigger a sizeable increase in inflation. In deciding on the size of the fiscal plan, risk management considerations play an important role. Doing not enough is clearly the greater risk. However, doing a lot will eventually force the Federal Reserve to demonstrate its independence by not shying away from raising rates despite the impact on government finances.
Even as the Covid-19 pandemic spreads to more victims than ever in the United States, there have never been such high hopes for a recovery. With the number of deaths averaging nearly 3000 a day since January 15 – 50% more than during the April 2020 peak – the health situation remains persistently bad. Yet vaccination campaigns are also accelerating...
Since March 2020, exceptional measures to bolster liquidity have resulted in a significant expansion of banks’ balance sheets. Fearing that leverage requirements could hamper the transmission of monetary policy and affect banks’ abilities to lend to the economy, the authorities have temporarily relaxed such requirements in the US (until 31 March) and in the eurozone (until 27 June). In the US, although the temporary exclusion of reserves and Treasuries from leverage exposure (the denominator of the Basel ratio) is automatic for large bank holding companies, it is optional for their depository institution subsidiaries. The latter can only make use of the exclusion if they submit their dividend payment plans (including intra-group dividends) for supervisory approval
Academic research shows that certain investors look at single stock call options as lottery tickets. They are aware they can lose money but nurture the hope of very big gains. To some extent, the share price behaviour in recent days of certain US small cap stocks illustrates this thinking. The combination of herd-type momentum buying and a short squeeze has caused huge share price swings. Should this become a recurrent phenomenon, it might reduce the informational efficiency of equity prices, increase the required equity risk premium and influence the cost of capital of companies.
In recent months, the dollar has weakened versus the euro although the real bond yield differential between US Treasuries and Bunds has increased. Amongst the factors that may explain this development, Federal Reserve policy is particularly important through its impact on capital outflows from the US and currency hedging behaviour of eurozone investors.The biggest risk for a change in direction of the dollar would be a repetition of the ‘taper tantrum’ of 2013 with the Federal Reserve starting to point towards a possible beginning of the normalisation of its policy. However, such a change in guidance is not to be expected anytime soon.
The health and economic situations in the USA will get worse before they get better. Winter conditions and travel over the festive period have produced a resurgence of Covid-19, whose rate of transmission is breaking all records: 225,000 new cases per day on 13 January (7-day average) or 68 cases per 100,000 people, a contamination rate twice that in the European Union (EU)...
The 46th president of the United States, Joe Biden, will face a difficult mandate. At the time of his inauguration on 20 January 2021, he will inherit a sluggish economy, as the Covid-19 pandemic continued to worsen with a human toll of tragic proportions. Looking beyond the health crisis, the new Democratic administration will have to act on political and social stages that have never seemed so antagonistic at the dawn of a new decade. With his reputation as a man of dialogue, Joe Biden will need all of his long political experience and skills in the art of compromise to try to heal America’s divisions.
In the US, the behaviour of the equity market versus the level of employment is very different in the current recession compared to previous recessions. The recession this year stands out because of its sudden, enormous job losses, which were quickly followed by a significant albeit very incomplete recovery. The equity market, after a huge drop, has rebounded swiftly and made new highs although earnings –on a 12 month moving average basis- still have to rebound. For 2021, more than anything, earnings growth matters.
The US mortgage market – the epicentre of the 2007-2008 financial crisis – has yet to be reformed. Nearly half of the USD 10,000 billion in housing loans are guaranteed by the Federal government via two private agencies (GSE), Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were placed under FHFA conservatorship after they were bailed out in 2008. In recent weeks, there have been growing rumours that the FHFA is seeking to hasten the end of its conservatorship of the two agencies. Accelerating this process risks restricting household access to mortgage loans by prematurely ending the GSE Patch
Even if a vaccine is made available soon, it will take months for the USA and the rest of the world to recover from the traumas of the Covid-19 pandemic. Although the US economy is amongst those to have seen the best recoveries so far – notwithstanding comparison with China – it still bears many scars, some of which are clearly visible in our barometer...
With nearly 80 million popular votes and 306 members in Electoral College out of a total of 538, the Democrat Joe Biden won the US presidential election. His rival Donald Trump was beaten, but not by the landslide margins predicted by the polls. The Republican Party even gained seats in the House of Representatives and may hold on to its Senate majority. President-elect Joe Biden’s mandate promises to be especially tough, and his biggest challenge will be to overcome the political and social antagonisms. In the short term, the president-elect’s top priority will be to combat an ever worsening health crisis
On 20 October banking regulators finalised the transposition into American law of the Basel Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)* liquidity requirement. This requires banks to maintain a stable funding profile with regard to the theoretical liquidity of their exposure over a one-year period (in order to protect their capacity to maintain exposure in the event of a liquidity crisis). The final rule differs from the Basel standard, by allocating a nil stable funding requirement to high-quality liquid assets (such as Treasuries) and short-term loans guaranteed by such assets (reverse repos)**
According to the polls, Democrat Joe Biden is well placed to beat Republican Donald Trump and win the presidential election on 3 November 2020. However, because of the unusual US election process, the result is far from a foregone conclusion. There is also the threat of the result being disputed, and it could be delayed. President Trump’s record, which for the sake of fairness should be assessed up to the start of the pandemic, is mixed. Although GDP, jobs and especially share prices rose rapidly, the deterioration in the public finances was unprecedented in peacetime, while inequality increased. Higher tariffs did little to reduce the trade deficit. Environmental protection went sharply into reverse under Trump