Monetary anchoring is one of the main arguments put forward by central banks to justify an eponymous digital currency. According to supporters of the digital euro, a reduction in the use of paper money or even its disappearance would be the natural next step and result in the creation of a digital form of central bank currency that would be the only guaranteed way of keeping the currency anchored in the digital era. Nothing could be less obvious.
Net issues of debt securities, cumulated over 12 months, by non-financial corporations (NFCs) were positive in December 2023 (EUR 8.3 bn) for the fourth consecutive month.
The ECB’s tightening of monetary policy between the summer of 2022 and September 2023 continued to have its effects on euro zone bank lending in the fourth quarter of 2023. However, in the absence of a further turn of the screw since September 2023, these effects have not intensified further. Outstanding bank loans to the private sector even accelerated slightly, year-on-year, in the fourth quarter (up 0.5% in December 2023 compared to 0.3% in September) in line with GDP (up 0.1% in the fourth quarter from 0.0% in the third). The credit impulse remains negative but increased slightly for the first time since the ECB began to increase rates in July 2022.
BNP Paribas Economic Research wishes you all the best for 2024. On the macroeconomic front, the highlight of 2023 was the peak in official rates in the United States and the eurozone, but what is in store for 2024?In this video, you can discover the topics and points of attention that will be monitored throughout 2024 for each team: Banking Economy, OECD and Country Risk.
After the historic peak in the first quarter of 2021 (“Covid savings”), financial investments and the household savings rate fell in step with each other through to the second quarter of 2022.
On the margins of discussions about banking regulation and supervision, the role played by the Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB) prior to the bank run in Spring 2023 is bitterly disputed. Seeking to correct the distortions resulting from their status and refocus the FHLBs on their main mission, their regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), has proposed several areas of reform.However, limiting the FHLBs’ capacity to support bank liquidity could have significant effects on the money markets and structurally increase banks’ requirements for central bank money.
Because of its significance and its many connections with the real and financial spheres, the residential property sector plays a central role in the economic cycle. The acceleration in property prices in the eurozone, which began in 2014, the year in which the monetary bloc emerged from recession, intensified after the "Great Lockdown" of 2020, peaking at almost 10% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2022. The tightening of monetary policy by the European Central Bank, unprecedented in its scale and speed, seems to have put a halt to this progress, although at this stage there are significant differences between countries. Economies where the property market had withstood the subprime crisis better now appear to be in greater difficulty in the face of tighter credit conditions
The net short position of hedge funds in the US Treasury futures market has expanded considerably over the course of the year. At the end of November, it stood at an unprecedented level of almost USD 800 billion. Asset managers, eager to hedge against interest-rate risk, increased their net long positions.
The FHFA recently proposed reforming the Federal Home Loan Banks, which are accused of having taken on the role of lender of next-to-last resort, a role that was much too big for them.
Last October, an average of over USD 1,500 bn was traded daily on the Treasuries repo markets through the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC), USD 500 bn more than in October 2022. While transactions between FICC clearing members remained relatively stable, sponsored repo loans rose sharply.
The tightening of euro-zone monetary policy, which began in July 2022 and carried on until September 2023, continued to curb demand for loans and dampen economic activity in the third quarter of 2023. The initial effects on core inflation have also been apparent since the end of the summer.
The impact on financial expenses of rising interest rates - the result of the European Central Bank tightening its monetary policy - is very mixed, depending on the euro zone country. The impact depends on the proportion of variable-rate loans in outstanding amounts, and also on levels and changes in the amounts borrowed.
The ECB has increased its key rates by 450 basis points since July 2022. This is the sharpest tightening of monetary policy since the creation of the euro area in 1999. This tightening has been transmitted to lending rates and bank deposit rates. This is in line with the objectives of monetary policy to slow global demand and to bring back inflation to a level of 2%.
Italian commercial banks have drawn heavily on their reserves with the Eurosystem in order to repay the pending portion of the 28 June 2023 TLTRO III maturity.
The effects of monetary policy tightening on the distribution of bank credit in the eurozone, which have been obvious since Q4 2022, further intensified during Q2 2023. The private-sector credit impulse has fallen constantly since autumn 2022. It dropped below zero in February 2023 and hit, in June 2023, its lowest level since 2010. The non-financial company credit impulse has experienced its biggest downturn since 2008, falling from its historic summer 2022 highs into negative territory in the space of eight months (April 2023). Despite declining less overall, household-credit impulse went into the red earlier on (November 2022), as it was starting out at a lower level.
On average, over the past year, US money market funds (MMFs) have “deposited” almost USD 2,200bn in cash with the Federal Reserve (Fed) every day in exchange for the overnight reverse repurchase of Treasury securities held on the Fed’s balance sheet (Overnight Reverse Repo Facility, ON RRP). In recent months, these “deposits” have fallen sharply. On 17 July, they stood at «only» USD 1,730 bn.
The transmission of higher interbank rates to bank deposit rates is still limited in Spain.
The governor of the Bank of England announced last April a review of the British deposit guarantee scheme. A review was already under way to expedite the compensation of depositors in the event of bankruptcy.
The normalisation of the Bank of England’s (BoE) monetary policy, which began in December 2021, helped increase the cost of mortgages to households: it rose from an average of 1.5% in November 2021 to 4.4% in March 2023.
Already noticeable in Q4 2022, the effects of monetary policy tightening on the distribution of bank credit in the eurozone intensified significantly in Q1 2023.
In March 2023, the M2 measure of money supply contracted for the fifth consecutive month in the United States (-4.5% over one year).
The interest rate on new home loans for eurozone households rose by an unprecedented 177 basis points (bps) year-on-year in January 2023. It stood at 3.1% this past January compared with 1.3% in September 2021, its lowest level ever.
Banks surveyed by the ECB between 12 December 2022 and 10 January 2023 as part of its Bank Lending Survey (BLS, published on 31 January) report a tightening of the criteria for all loan categories in the fourth quarter of 2022. For companies, tightening is even the most pronounced since the sovereign debt crisis (2011).
The drawdowns of depository institutions from the US Federal Reserve’s (Fed) discount window have intensified over the past year. Their outstandings amounted to USD 4.6 bn on 18 January, certainly far from the USD 110 billion borrowed at the height of the 2008 financial crisis, but well above the USD 360 million borrowed on average for 15 years.
In June 2022, the US Federal Reserve kick-started a programme to reduce the size of its balance sheet (QT2). However, banking regulations could hinder its ambitions. The first quantitative tightening (QT1) programme, which was launched by the Fed in October 2017, had already been curtailed early due to the liquidity requirements imposed on banks. Balance sheet constraints could in turn bring QT2 to an early end. The tightened leverage standard is already reducing the ability of banks to act as intermediaries in the secondary markets for US Treasury securities while federal government financing needs continue to grow.