Economic newsflow was particularly rich last week. The first important items, looking in the rear-view mirror, were the first growth estimates for Q4 2021 in France, Germany and Spain. Performances were mixed, between the 0.7% q/q contraction in Germany, further strong growth of 2% q/q in Spain and, between these two, growth of 0.7% q/q in France.
The resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the emergence of the new Omicron variant make the ECB’s task even harder. Although growth should hold at a high level, it is expected to ease, and this trend could worsen, at least in the short term. Meanwhile inflation continues to soar, while becoming more broadbased, and the risk in the coming months is on the upside. Faced with greater uncertainty, the ECB is arguing in favour of patience and constancy while saying it is ready to act in any direction. According to our scenario, which is somewhat optimistic in terms of growth and calls for persistent inflation, the ECB would end its Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP) in March 2022 and begin raising its key deposit rate in mid-2023.
The ECB’s meeting on 16 December is highly anticipated, primarily for the central bank’s new growth and inflation forecasts. When it comes to growth, the ECB’s September forecast was for annual average growth of 5% in 2021, 4.6% in 2022 and 2.1% in 2023. It could leave its 2021 forecast unchanged, with the positive figures for Q3 offset by a less positive view of Q4, due to the effect of supply constraints, inflationary pressures and a resurgence of the pandemic. Growth in 2022 will be weakened by the same factors. The scale of the forecast downward revision will indicate the level of the ECB’s concerns. It will also be interesting to see whether any growth ‘lost’ in 2022 will be shifted, in part at least, into a higher forecast for 2023.
In September 2021 a slight acceleration in lending to eurozone non-financial companies (NFCs), which rose 2.1% y/y from 1.9% in June, interrupted the deterioration of the credit impulse (which reflects the year-on-year change in outstanding loans). However, this remained negative (-1.4% in September, from -1.9% in June) due to a high basi of comparison.
Companies in the euro area report record-high levels of labour shortages. These are partly cyclical in nature but structural factors also play a role. Last year’s annual investment survey of the European Investment Bank shows that the availability of staff with the right skills is the second most important factor weighing on long-term investment decisions in the EU. Structural labour shortages can weigh on potential GDP growth through its impact on capital formation, innovation and productivity. Economic and, in particular, education policy including vocational training and lifelong learning schemes will have to make sure that, going forward, the available skills, both in quantity and quality, fit the evolving needs.
According to our Pulse, the Eurozone’s cyclical situation has deteriorated over the past three months (the blue area is smaller than the area within the dotted lines). Hard data have dropped sharply but the decline in business climate surveys has been much milder. This difference is due to statistical distortions. For retail sales and production, the sharp decline in growth rates in year-on-year terms since May reflects a normalisation after the previous 3-month average was inflated by very favourable base effects in March and April.
In the euro area, business surveys report record-high staff shortages. They represent a headwind to growth and raise the possibility of faster wage growth and a pick-up in inflation. Thus far, growth of negotiated wages has been subdued but, given its historical relationship with labour market bottlenecks, an acceleration seems likely. Despite the difficulties of companies in filling vacancies, labour market slack has remained above pre-pandemic levels. This situation should improve in the coming months but whether this eases labour market tensions depends on companies’ hiring intentions. Based on recent surveys, these should remain elevated.
Markets have been pricing in an early lift-off of the ECB’s deposit rate. The ECB argues that, considering its inflation outlook, this is not warranted. This difference in view could reflect a loss of central bank credibility. More likely is that market participants and the ECB disagree on the inflation outlook. Another explanation is that investors focus on the distribution of possible inflation outcomes and are concerned about the risks of inflation surprising to the upside.
In the Eurozone, gross state-guaranteed loans[1] outstanding amounts[2] issued in response to the Covid-19 pandemic stabilised at EUR 375 bn in Q2 2021. This stabilisation is notably due to the decline in state-guaranteed loans outstanding amounts granted by French and Spanish banks (down EUR 13 bn and EUR 2 bn, respectively), the first decline since the scheme was introduced in Q2 2020. Together, the two countries accounted for 64% of all state-guaranteed loans in the Eurozone in Q1 2021. This decline, combined with the much smaller decline in state-guaranteed loans outstanding amounts by Belgian and Latvian banks, cancelled out the ongoing increase in SGLs in the other Eurozone countries, especially Italy and Germany (EUR 10 bn and EUR 1
According to our Pulse, the economic situation in the euro zone remains good (the blue area exceeds the grey hendecagon indicating the long-term average of the various indicators) and is relatively stable relative to the previous three months (the blue area is close to that delimited by the dotted line), with the notable exception of retail sales.
Since year-end 2020, Eurozone inflation has risen almost vertically. A year ago, year-on-year inflation was still slightly negative, but by September 2021, it had risen to 3.4% (according to Eurostat’s preliminary estimate), the highest level since September 2008. The surge was strongest in Germany, followed by Spain, and to a lesser extent, Italy and France. In Germany, inflation bears the marks of the temporary VAT cut in H2 2020. In Spain, the upturn in energy prices was accentuated by a higher VAT rate on electricity than in most of the other European countries. The updating of weights in the price index also played an important role at the beginning of the year
After rebounding vigorously in Q2 (+2.2% q/q), GDP growth is expected to maintain the same dynamic pace in Q3. Admittedly, supply-side constraints have just chipped away a few tenths of a percentage point of growth from our June forecast. September’s business climate surveys are showing more traces of these tensions, especially in industry, and in Germany in particular. Even so, the survey results are still holding at high levels. Growth in the Eurozone will get a boost from the monetary and fiscal accommodation, the freeing of forced savings built-up by households, the recovering job market and the need for investment. We expect 2022 growth to be slightly higher than in 2021 (5.2% and 5%, respectively, in annual average terms)
In the first quarter of 2021 cumulated amounts of state-guaranteed loans (SGLs) granted by euro area banks reached EUR 376.4 bn, from EUR 184.7 bn in the second quarter of 2020. The proportion of total lending to non-financial corporations (which has remained relatively stable) represented by SGLs thus rose from 3.3% to 6.9% over the same period. French, Spanish and Italian banks have made a particularly substantial contribution to supporting economic activity during the Covid-19 pandemic. They granted 90.6% of all SGLs across the euro area (EUR 131.7 bn, EUR 108.7 bn and EUR 100.5 bn respectively) whilst their share of total lending to NFCs was only 57.7% on average between the second quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021
Although they have eased recently, high Eurozone manufacturing price pressures are fuelling analysts’ concerns that inflation could stay high for longer. There is an impression that the ECB is increasingly sympathetic for this view. This is important in the run-up to the December meeting of the governing council. Whether supply bottlenecks and rising input prices will have a longer-lasting effect on inflation depends on the transmission to the rest of the economy. One would expect it to be higher under a combination of strong demand, low inventory levels and long supplier delivery times. This corresponds to the current situation in the sectors producing durable consumer goods, intermediate goods and investment goods
The new macroeconomic projections of the ECB staff provide sobering reading for savers hoping that, one day, the policy rate will be raised. It is clear that at the current juncture, certain conditions of the recently updated forward guidance on interest rates states are not met. Based on the latest ECB projections, it seems this would still be the case in 2023, even under the hypothesis of a mild scenario. The slow increase of underlying inflation would probably be considered as unsatisfactory. Savers can only hope that the interaction between growth and inflation will evolve or that the ECB projections turn out to be too cautious.
After two quarters of slight contraction (-0.4% q/q in Q4 2020, -0.3% in Q1 2021), during which lockdown restrictions were reintroduced in various countries in the zone, growth bounced back strongly in Q2 2021 (up 2.2% q/q, 14.3% y/y). The growth carry-over is nearly 4% and the gap to the pre-crisis GDP level of Q4 2019 is now only 2.5%. The strength of the rebound had already been seen in survey data from April to June, whether from Markit’s PMI or the European Commission’s Economic Sentiment Index (ESI).
The credit impulse in the eurozone, reflecting the year-on-year change in credit outstanding, remained negative in June 2021. As a reminder, the introduction of financial support measures for companies by eurozone governments led to exceptionally strong but temporary growth in bank lending to non-financial corporations in spring 2020. Combined with this, the slowdown in outstandings seen a year later (+1.9% y/y in June 2021 vs. +5.3% in March 2021) squeezed the credit impulse in lending to non-financial corporations (-5.3% in June 2021 vs. +0.3% in March).
The outcome of the ECB’s strategy review shows that the governing council has carefully listened to what its audience had to say. Its inflation objective is now truly symmetric, which addresses the perception that its previous objective was asymmetric. Three other changes reflect points that were strongly emphasized during the outreach events organised by the Eurosystem. The cost of owner-occupied housing will be taken into account when assessing the inflation environment. The communication will become geared towards a broader public and a decision has been taken to commit to an ambitious climate-related action plan. Now it’s back to the hard work of trying to push inflation up to 2%.
The Eurozone economy is bouncing back. From a macroeconomic perspective, the region is closing the gap on the losses accumulated since spring 2020 more quickly than expected just a few months ago. Unless a new wave of the pandemic breaks out due to the spread of Covid-19 variants, Eurozone GDP should return to pre-crisis levels by the end of the year. Accelerated vaccination campaigns and the gradual lifting of health restrictions are reducing uncertainty and boosting the confidence of economic agents. Consumers, who have adapted to restrictive health measures, are playing a key role. Despite these favourable dynamics, public policies are remaining cautious
The labour market should play a crucial role in the recovery through its impact on household income and spending. There are reasons to be hopeful considering that recent business surveys show a further increase in hiring intentions whereas unemployment expectations of households have dropped below their pre-pandemic level. Household intentions to make major purchases over the next 12 months have already increased and this trend should continue on the back of an improved financial situation and reduced income uncertainty.
The Eurozone has still not reached its cyclical peak. The situation has continued to improve over the past three months and the recovery has now spread to all parts of the economy. After rising strongly since April 2020, the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for the manufacturing sector levelled off at a very high level in June (63.1). Manufacturing PMI is still going strong, although the indicator suffered from a dip in the “new export orders” component, which slipped to 60.9 in June. Yet this level is still high compared to its long-term average.
Despite a sharp increase in May (+1.98%), eurozone inflation continues to be driven by two components of the consumer price index (CPI) that are linked to energy prices. “Operation of personal transport equipment” was by far the biggest contributor to the rise in the CPI with a contribution of 0.87 percentage points (pp), or nearly half of headline inflation. This reflects the increase in pump prices. It is followed by “Electricity, natural gas and other fuels”, which contributed 0.43 pp to Eurozone headline inflation
Judging by the recent data, the acronym PEPP that was introduced last year when the ECB launched its Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme, could also be seen as a reference to the pandemic’s exceptional price pressures. The upcoming governing council meeting and the new staff projections are eagerly awaited. Whether PEPP will be prolonged beyond March 2022 ultimately depends on the inflation data. It seems likely that the ECB will postpone its decision until after the summer in order to have a better view of the inflation outlook.
Eurozone member states mobilised massive public resources in response to the Covid-19 emergency, providing support for households as well as companies facing a loss of business. As a result, the public debt ratio rose sharply in 2020 to 98% of GDP. Since there is still a big need for economic support in the first part of the year, the Eurozone debt ratio will probably cross the threshold of 100% of GDP in 2021. The ECB plans to continue purchasing assets as part of its Pandemic Emergency Purchasing Programme (PEPP) at least until March 2022, at a time when the Eurosystem currently holds nearly 30 percentage points of GDP in Eurozone public debt instruments. The first disbursements of the Next Generation EU recovery plan are slated for the second half of 2021
The cyclical trough seems to be behind us in the Eurozone at a time when vaccination campaigns in the member states are accelerating. From a macroeconomic perspective, the catching-up dynamic seem to be stronger than expected by many analysts. Yet the general economic improvement masks important sector disparities. The Covid-19 crisis will have stronger and more lasting effects on certain sectors, like hotel and restaurant services. In the months ahead, there is a risk that more companies will go bankrupt, especially in the hardest hit sectors.