Eurozone company surveys (PMI, European Commission) continued to deteriorate throughout the summer, although a slight improvement was observed in September for the PMI. The rise in policy rates by 25 basis points in September – the last one according to our forecast – will amplify this phenomenon. We do not expect a recession in the euro zone as a whole in 2023, but moderate growth at 0.5%, mainly due to a favourable carry-over effect in 2022. After a slightly positive first semester, eurozone activity is likely to stall in the second semester. Significant growth differentials are expected between the Member States.
The impact on financial expenses of rising interest rates - the result of the European Central Bank tightening its monetary policy - is very mixed, depending on the euro zone country. The impact depends on the proportion of variable-rate loans in outstanding amounts, and also on levels and changes in the amounts borrowed.
Inflation in the Eurozone is declining and recent survey data point towards a possible stabilisation of economic activity. However, inflation remains well above target and business sentiment has reached a (very) low level. Based on the historical relationship, the current level of the S&P Global composite PMI and the economic sentiment index of the European Commission point towards, at best, a stagnation of activity in the coming months. Whether growth will turn out to be higher or lower will largely depend on how the environment will change. Downside risks are the delayed effect of past monetary tightening and, to a lesser degree, the recent rise in energy prices and the weaker growth environment in China
The ECB has increased its key rates by 450 basis points since July 2022. This is the sharpest tightening of monetary policy since the creation of the euro area in 1999. This tightening has been transmitted to lending rates and bank deposit rates. This is in line with the objectives of monetary policy to slow global demand and to bring back inflation to a level of 2%.
After proving resilient, the PMI surveys for the services sector are deteriorating more significantly. The indicator lost 3 points in August to 47.9, the lowest level seen since February 2021. In particular, the sub-indices relating to employment and new businesses creation fell significantly.
In its latest meeting, the ECB Governing Council decided to tighten policy further, bringing the deposit rate to 4.00%. It considers that the current level of official rates, if maintained for a sufficiently long duration, will make a substantial contribution to bring inflation back to the 2% target in a timely way. Financial markets rallied, expressing a conviction that policy rates have reached their cyclical peak. The focus is now shifting to how long they will stay at this level and what will be the pace of easing thereafter. The ECB’s reaction function depends on the assessment of the inflation outlook in the light of the incoming economic and financial data, the dynamics of underlying inflation and the strength of monetary policy transmission
The effects of monetary policy tightening on the distribution of bank credit in the eurozone, which have been obvious since Q4 2022, further intensified during Q2 2023. The private-sector credit impulse has fallen constantly since autumn 2022. It dropped below zero in February 2023 and hit, in June 2023, its lowest level since 2010. The non-financial company credit impulse has experienced its biggest downturn since 2008, falling from its historic summer 2022 highs into negative territory in the space of eight months (April 2023). Despite declining less overall, household-credit impulse went into the red earlier on (November 2022), as it was starting out at a lower level.
The latest quarterly survey of the European Commission of factors limiting the production of companies shows that few services companies mention insufficient demand as an issue. The score of the financial factor is on the rise but remains below average. Supply side factors remain at exceptionally high levels. A priori, one would expect that the combination of strong demand and constrained supply will influence the price setting behaviour of companies. However, regression analysis shows that these factors only explain a small part of the fluctuation in services inflation. Wage growth and the input prices PMI do a far better job. They will need to see a significant decline for services inflation to converge to 2.0%. This will take time.
Economic activity in the eurozone is showing clearer signs of weakening, and our Nowcast now foresees a stagnation in real GDP in the second quarter of 2023. Retail sales were stable during the first two months of Q2. Survey data also offers little reassurance and seems to indicate a possible relapse in activity in Q3 which we currently estimate at -0.1% q/q: the composite PMI index deteriorated significantly in June, falling below the threshold of 50, to 49.9. The manufacturing sector index fell further into contraction and is now at levels comparable to those seen during 2020, in the midst of the pandemic.
Each quarter, the European Commission asks companies about the factors limiting their production: insufficient demand, supply constraints (labour market, shortage of material and/or equipment) and a financial factor. The survey can help in getting a better understanding of the inflation drivers. A quantitative model of producer price inflation suggests that the pace of disinflation will be slow considering that, contrary to the demand factor, which is close to its long-term average, supply factors in industry continue to act a constraint on production far more than is the case normally. Although the analysis was conducted in terms of producer price inflation, given its close relation with consumer price inflation (HICP) in the Eurozone , the conclusions are also relevant for the latter.
Since last weekend, the summer holiday season has really started and based on media reports as well as business surveys, activity in the tourism sector should be strong. Pent-up demand probably plays an important role, considering that tourism expenditures and nights spent in hotels are still below pre-Covid-19 levels. Another factor is the strong rebound in consumer confidence on the back of a more positive assessment of the economic outlook and the personal financial situation as well as a more benign view on the inflation outlook. The stock of excess savings accumulated during the lockdown may also play a role as well as changes in the allocation of household spending. Going forward, the outlook will probably be more challenging.
The eurozone entered a technical recession in Q1 2023, with Eurostat having revised lower its estimate of quarterly GDP growth for Q1 from +0.1% to -0.1%, i.e. the same pace of contraction as in Q4 2022. These results do not profoundly change our assessment for 2023: weak or slightly negative economic activity, quarter-on-quarter, although growth for 2023 as a whole should be more positive thanks to the favourable carry-over growth effect. Our current forecasts are based on a terminal refinancing rate of 4.5%, which would be reached at the monetary policy meeting on 14 September. Nevertheless, the scenario of harsher tightening cannot be completely ruled out, given the ongoing inflationary momentum and still high inflation generalisation indices.
Initially estimated at +0.1% q/q, growth in the eurozone in Q1 2023 is now slightly negative, at -0.1% (after a similar drop in Q4 2022). This downward revision was driven by that of German growth. The succession of two quarters of decline in GDP defines a “technical” recession, which it is at this stage: the contraction in GDP is small and it is not broad-based to all growth components neither to all the Member States.
The analysis of the cyclical environment tends to focus on the change in the level of economic variables (growth, inflation), rather than on the level (activity, prices) itself. However, both matter. The recent decline in energy price inflation is good news but the price level remains well above that recorded at the start of last year. In the manufacturing and construction sectors, the assured production based on the level of order books remains very high. This might explain what hiring plans remain elevated. However, the order intake has been slowing. Historically, such a development has been followed by a reduction in the length of the assured production
According to the latest data, inflation in both the euro area and the US is mainly driven by its core component and thus, at first glance, by demand. Supply factors are also at work through the spillover effects of the shock on energy and commodity prices and food inflation. These first-round effects show first signs of fading, which should pull inflation down more sharply in the coming months. Wage dynamics are closely monitored given their inflationary nature, which is modest but persistent, justifying the monetary response.
Based on the PMI data and the European Commission business surveys, it seems that in the Eurozone, industry is clearly slowing down, demand is softening and labour market bottlenecks have eased somewhat. In combination with input prices that are down, this should lead to an easing of output price inflation. In services, the picture is different. Hiring difficulties remain a big constraint on activity, momentum in terms of activity and orders has improved. Input price and output price inflation has eased only slightly. Such a dichotomy complicates the task of the ECB: ongoing strength in services would imply that past rate hikes didn’t yet have a significant impact and would justify more tightening, but this would only make things worse for the industrial sector
Eurozone growth in the first quarter of 2023 was +0.1% q/q according to the data available at the time of writing. This is below our forecast (+0.3% q/q), and therefore rather disappointing, even if it surprises favourably compared to our nowcast estimate (-0.0%). This low growth also puts into perspective the perceived resilience coming from most survey and activity data during the first quarter.
How much and how quickly inflation will decline in the Eurozone is of key importance for the ECB, households, firms and financial markets. There is concern that disinflation might be slower than expected until now. The latest ECB survey of professional forecasters shows an increase in the number of participants expecting inflation to remain elevated. Inflation persistence can have different sources: a succession of shocks, staggered price adjustment by firms, price and wage increases that try to compensate for the past increase in costs and the loss of purchasing power, evolving inflation expectations. Going forward, the tightness of the labour market, the strength of wage developments and the momentum in service price inflation are key factors to monitor.
Already noticeable in Q4 2022, the effects of monetary policy tightening on the distribution of bank credit in the eurozone intensified significantly in Q1 2023.
The current inflationary situation is unprecedented in many respects. Indeed, some of its strength lies in the ability of firms to pass on the rise in their production costs in their selling prices. This is known as pricing power. And it allows companies to preserve their margins in a difficult environment.
Industry, services: which sectors will bring the other in its wake? This is the question that arises when one observes the current divergence of the S&P Global PMI indices for the euro area
The release on Friday 28 April of the first estimate of euro area Q1 2023 GDP growth will quantify the resilience reported by most available surveys and activity data for this quarter. We expect moderate positive growth (+0.3% q/q, forecast slightly revised upwards.
After last year’s significant depreciation versus the dollar, the euro has found a new strength. Key factors are the reversal in the current account balance, which after moving into negative territory last year is back into surplus, and, since the autumn of 2022, the narrowing of the 1-year interest rate differential with the US.This reflects the view that the Federal Reserve is approaching the end of its tightening cycle whereas the ECB still has more work to do. We expect that this factor will continue to drive the exchange rate in the coming months. Moreover, there is also a higher likelihood that the Federal Reserve will cut rates before the ECB does
Even though euro area inflation likely peaked last October, the disinflation process is expected to be slow, with inflation not expected to fall back to its 2% target level before 2025. The most recent macroeconomic projections from the European Central Bank (ECB) all point to this direction of travel. The second wave of inflation is significant, with the HICP excluding energy climbing by 7.9% y/y in March, while further food-price increases are expected for the months ahead. Despite this, economic activity within the Monetary Union is holding up better than expected against the double shock of inflation and interest rate hikes. While a recession is currently being ruled out for 2023, growth is still incredibly fragile
In the longer run, the business climate in industry and services are highly correlated but in the short run large divergences can at times be observed. This has been the case in recent months following a strong rebound in services and a far weaker improvement in industry. Services cover a variety of activities and those that are very correlated with manufacturing have seen a weaker performance as of late. Tourism and recreation have low correlation with manufacturing and have been very dynamic. This may reflect there is still post-Covid-19-related pent-up demand and/or a combination of a pick-up in wage growth and a still strong labour market. Whether this can last will to a large degree depend on how the overall economic environment influences the labour market outlook.