In the coming quarters, economic growth in the United States and the Eurozone should slow down and core inflation should move significantly lower. Monetary policy works with long and variable lags, so part of the impact of higher rates still needs to manifest itself. This is taking more time than expected. It has been a long wait thus far. In the US, the economy in general has been particularly resilient although some data have softened as of late. In the Eurozone, the labour market remains strong, yet, many data have weakened, including in services. A factor that will also play a role in coming months are the developments in China where activity indicators published during the summer confirmed the rapid slowdown in growth
GDP growth, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates.
GDP growth, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates
For economists and central bank watchers, the ECB conference in Sintra (Portugal) and the Federal Reserve conference in August in Jackson Hole are the highlights of the summer season. As always, the presentations and panels at the Sintra conference were very stimulating but also sobering. Disinflation is too slow, there are upside risks to inflation compared to the pre-pandemic era, policy rates will have to remain elevated and economic forecasting is more challenging than ever.
The interest rate projections (‘dots’) of the FOMC members represent a reference point that can help investors and economic agents in general in forming their own interest rate expectations This can be particularly welcome when the monetary environment is changing swiftly like has been the case over the past two years. To explore this, a comparison has been made between the federal funds rate projections of the Survey of Market Participants (SMP) and those of the FOMC members. It seems that the dots may play a role in anchoring long-term interest rate expectations. The private sector forecasts closely follow the dots for 2023 and to a lesser extent for 2024, beyond which they are essentially stable. This is important considering that it might influence the pricing of bonds
On 22 June, the Mexican Central Bank maintained its main policy rate at 11.25% for the second time in a row. The Governing Board’s decision was unanimous and largely anticipated. In its press release, the Board stated that the pause should continue over the coming months: the downward trend in inflation seems to be confirmed, but the outlook remains «complex and uncertain».
The significant and fast paced monetary tightening by major central banks and the prospect that more is to come raise the concern of a monetary ‘overkill’. This could happen due to a non-linear reaction of economic agents to an umpteenth rate increase. Several factors can play a role in this respect: negative animal spirits, debt levels and their characteristics, asset valuations, bank lending, capital markets. This calls for increased gradualism and, at some point, taking a pause whilst insisting that this doesn’t represent an end to the tightening cycle.
With the return of elevated inflation, the debate on the output cost of bringing down inflation that was very lively in the early 80s has made a comeback. This debate is centered around the sacrifice ratio -the loss in output compared to its trend level for a given decline in inflation- and whether the landing of the economy will be hard or soft. Recently, the semantics have evolved and commentators now speak of the possibility of immaculate disinflation, whereby inflation is brought back to target by the Fed through a restrictive monetary policy but with a very small cost in terms of unemployment. For this to happen, labour tensions should ease and lead to a drop in wage growth. This will take time. In addition, the US economy should do a better job in filling vacancies
Rates and exchange rates - GDP Growth and inflation
Based on the PMI data and the European Commission business surveys, it seems that in the Eurozone, industry is clearly slowing down, demand is softening and labour market bottlenecks have eased somewhat. In combination with input prices that are down, this should lead to an easing of output price inflation. In services, the picture is different. Hiring difficulties remain a big constraint on activity, momentum in terms of activity and orders has improved. Input price and output price inflation has eased only slightly. Such a dichotomy complicates the task of the ECB: ongoing strength in services would imply that past rate hikes didn’t yet have a significant impact and would justify more tightening, but this would only make things worse for the industrial sector
How much and how quickly inflation will decline in the Eurozone is of key importance for the ECB, households, firms and financial markets. There is concern that disinflation might be slower than expected until now. The latest ECB survey of professional forecasters shows an increase in the number of participants expecting inflation to remain elevated. Inflation persistence can have different sources: a succession of shocks, staggered price adjustment by firms, price and wage increases that try to compensate for the past increase in costs and the loss of purchasing power, evolving inflation expectations. Going forward, the tightness of the labour market, the strength of wage developments and the momentum in service price inflation are key factors to monitor.
The Bank of England (BoE) delivered another 25bp rate hike on its May meeting on Thursday, raising its interest rate to 4.5%. The forward guidance has not been revised and is still hawkish and it appears from the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) minutes and report that the end of the tightening cycle might still be coming.
Public deficits in Greece, Portugal and, to a lesser extent, Spain, dropped significantly in 2022. According to Eurostat’s preliminary results – published on 21 April – the primary deficit nearly halved in Spain (-2.4% of GDP), it was erased in Greece, while Portugal once again posted a surplus (1.6% of GDP). In Greece and Portugal, the public deficit fell below the 3% GDP limit set by the Growth and Stability Pact, with which they had already realigned between 2016 and 2019. Although down sharply, the deficit in Spain remains significant, at 4.8% of GDP.Better-than-expected growth in activity and employment and high inflation generated strong tax revenues, which more than offset the rise in spending to cushion the inflationary shock
The current inflationary momentum could encourage the BoJ to reassess its yield curve control policy, or even start a tightening in monetary policy. However, the timing and size of any such adjustments are difficult to predict and may not occur before next year.
In his latest press conference, Federal Reserve Chair Powell argued that monetary policy might already be sufficiently restrictive. In future decisions, economic data will be particularly important but this does not imply that the latest data are the only thing that matters. The delayed effects of past rate hikes need to be taken into account, considering that they will only show up in the data published over the following months. This is why in past tightening cycles, the Fed has tended to stop hiking rates although the pace of job creation was still rather healthy and well before the unemployment rate picked up significantly
Traditionally, monetary policy focuses on price stability and fiscal policy on other objectives. When inflation is well below (above) target on a sustained basis, this separation of roles implies that monetary policy may need to become extremely accommodative (restrictive). Consequently, interest rates have a large cyclical amplitude, which may have undesirable consequences for the economy and put financial stability at risk. Simulations show that a coordinated approach between monetary and fiscal policy reduces the optimal cumulative amount of rate cuts (hikes). However, putting this into practice would probably be very challenging.
Price stability, financial stability and fiscal sustainability are part of the necessary conditions for the balanced development of an economy in the longer run. They can be considered as pillars on which the ‘economic house’ is built. Weakness or fragility of one pillar -e.g. inflation well above target, overvalued asset prices or a high and rising public debt ratio - may impact the solidity of the other pillars and weaken the overall structure. This gives rise to a debate about the nexus between these three conditions. Given these interactions, it is important that each policy -monetary, fiscal, financial stability oriented- is conducted in a way that takes into account its influence on the other objectives. This should enhance overall economic stability.
After last year’s significant depreciation versus the dollar, the euro has found a new strength. Key factors are the reversal in the current account balance, which after moving into negative territory last year is back into surplus, and, since the autumn of 2022, the narrowing of the 1-year interest rate differential with the US.This reflects the view that the Federal Reserve is approaching the end of its tightening cycle whereas the ECB still has more work to do. We expect that this factor will continue to drive the exchange rate in the coming months. Moreover, there is also a higher likelihood that the Federal Reserve will cut rates before the ECB does
Chinese economic growth has re-accelerated since the end of January, mainly driven by services and household consumption. The recovery in manufacturing activity is more moderate. In the real estate sector, the crisis is lessening. These improvements will continue in the short term. However, constraints on economic growth remain significant; they principally stem from the weakening global demand and geopolitical tensions as well as from financial difficulties for property developers, local governments and their financing vehicles. Beyond this, the question arises of a lasting loss of confidence in the Chinese private sector.
In 2022, economic growth slowed but was still buoyant. The outlook for 2023/2024 is favourable even though real GDP growth should slow by around 1 percentage point. In the short term, the main risks are linked to rising prices, which could force the Central Bank to tighten its monetary policy further. The occurrence of the El Niño phenomenon is also a potentially negative factor. Despite the slowdown in growth and the rise in interest rates (48% of loans are at a variable rate), banks and companies remain much stronger than at the end of 2019. In its latest stress tests, the Central Bank reaffirmed that, despite the deteriorating economic and financial environment, public banks would not need any capital injection to meet capital requirements.
Over the past twelve months, the economic situation in Pakistan has deteriorated dramatically. The government has been facing a balance-of-payments crisis and, as a result, has had to take extensive measures to try to contain the drop in its foreign exchange reserves and fulfil the IMF’s requirements in order to receive the funds needed to avoid defaulting on its external debt.Restrictions on imports, the sharp rise in policy rates, the depreciation of the rupee and the dramatic cut in budget spending have significantly hindered economic growth and triggered a very sharp rise in inflationary pressures. Since February 2023, the external position has improved very slightly. However, it is still very fragile and the default risk remains very high.
Korean economic growth lagged behind in Q4 2022, and the slowdown is expected to continue in 2023. Exports will suffer from slowing global demand, while domestic demand will be penalised by rising interest rates and persistent inflation. The risks of financial instability remain limited, but have increased in recent months. Household debt is high at almost 110% of GDP, and households are very exposed to rising interest rates. In fact, 76% of loans to households are being taken out at a variable rate. Potential credit risks though remain limited to the most vulnerable households.
Despite the war in Ukraine, Poland’s economic growth was relatively solid in 2022. However, it was erratic with a sharp GDP contraction in Q2 and Q4. For 2023, despite a negative carry-over effect, recession will probably be avoided due to continuous fiscal support. Inflationary pressures remain high in the short term due to wage pressures and the return of the VAT rate on energy to its initial rate. The temporary blocking of European funds since 2022 might, at first glance, raise concerns against a backdrop in which public and external accounts have worsened. However, the inflow of foreign direct investment is a notable shock absorber. In 2022, these flows more than offset the current account deficit.
The Executive's calls for monetary authorities to lower rates are fuelling debates on the appropriate inflation target, the permanence of the Central Bank’s independence and the right calibration for the policy mix. The opposition between both parties is weighing on inflation expectations due to uncertainty over the path of economic policy. To help create favourable conditions for monetary easing, the government has accelerated the presentation of its new fiscal framework. Following the downturn in activity in Q4 2022, the economy should temporarily return to growth in Q1 2023, driven by the strong performance of the agricultural sector. The deceleration - which began in the second half of 2022 - is however expected to resume its course for the remainder of the year