Stylised facts are recurring patterns between economic variables and between economic variables and financial markets. They are conditioned by the economic environment and shape expectations of households, companies and investors. They are also used when producing economic forecasts. In the current cycle, there is doubt whether certain stylised facts still apply. In the US, the economy is still growing despite a significant yield curve inversion and aggressive rate hikes. In the Eurozone, the labour market thus far has been resilient notwithstanding the actions of the ECB. Moreover, financial market investors are undeterred by the talk by economists about recession risks. Several factors help to put these, at first glance puzzling observations, into perspective
Recently, the word uncertainty has been frequently used by the Federal Reserve and the ECB in their communication. It is something they must take into account when taking policy decisions. Likewise, households, firms and investors face different types of uncertainty. That of not exactly knowing the current state of the economy, uncertainty about future economic policy and monetary policy in particular, uncertainty about the transmission of past shocks -including interest rate hikes- and the risk of events -geopolitical, climate-related, etc.- that would have economic repercussions. Every month, the European Commission asks firms and households how difficult or easy it is to make predictions about their future business or financial situation
GDP growth, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates
Jerome Powell’s opening remarks at the US Federal Reserve Symposium in Jackson Hole were at the center of attention and focused on the short term and inflation. What is the main takeaway? The fight against inflation is not yet over – a message echoed and supported by Christine Lagarde in her own address.
In the coming quarters, economic growth in the United States and the Eurozone should slow down and core inflation should move significantly lower. Monetary policy works with long and variable lags, so part of the impact of higher rates still needs to manifest itself. This is taking more time than expected. It has been a long wait thus far. In the US, the economy in general has been particularly resilient although some data have softened as of late. In the Eurozone, the labour market remains strong, yet, many data have weakened, including in services. A factor that will also play a role in coming months are the developments in China where activity indicators published during the summer confirmed the rapid slowdown in growth
GDP growth, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates.
Greenflation most often refers to inflation linked to public and private policies implemented as part of the green transition. Adapting production methods to low-carbon technologies, which emit fewer greenhouse gases, will require, on the one hand, massive and costly investments which will increase the marginal cost of each unit produced in the short term and, on the other hand, the use of rarer and therefore more expensive materials. This will create upward pressure on prices. The ecological transition will also require putting the “price signal” into play: increase the price of fossil fuels through taxation (carbon tax) and emission allowance markets (explicit price) as well as regulations (implicit price)
The latest quarterly survey of the European Commission of factors limiting the production of companies shows that few services companies mention insufficient demand as an issue. The score of the financial factor is on the rise but remains below average. Supply side factors remain at exceptionally high levels. A priori, one would expect that the combination of strong demand and constrained supply will influence the price setting behaviour of companies. However, regression analysis shows that these factors only explain a small part of the fluctuation in services inflation. Wage growth and the input prices PMI do a far better job. They will need to see a significant decline for services inflation to converge to 2.0%. This will take time.
In July, there was still divergence between the main OECD economies. Economic surveys showed signs of a more marked slowdown in Europe than in the United States, where various indicators (non-manufacturing ISM, household surveys) even improved.
Economic activity in the eurozone is showing clearer signs of weakening, and our Nowcast now foresees a stagnation in real GDP in the second quarter of 2023. Retail sales were stable during the first two months of Q2. Survey data also offers little reassurance and seems to indicate a possible relapse in activity in Q3 which we currently estimate at -0.1% q/q: the composite PMI index deteriorated significantly in June, falling below the threshold of 50, to 49.9. The manufacturing sector index fell further into contraction and is now at levels comparable to those seen during 2020, in the midst of the pandemic.
Economic surveys pointed once again to a downturn, including the ifo Business Climate Index (88.5 in June compared to 93.4 in April) and the ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment (-14.7 in July compared to 28.1 in February). The erratic momentum of factory orders, which were up 6.4% m/m in May (after a low point in April 2023 not seen since May 2013), underlines one of the constraints at work: the irregularity of activity in transport equipment, which remains subject to sporadic supply difficulties. This phenomenon is generating high volatility in production, both in the aeronautics sector and the automotive sector (lower in April with an upturn in May, as also seen in France).
The downturn in economic surveys highlights a drop in demand (contraction of balance of opinion on global and export order books), particularly in the manufacturing sector. The sectors most sensitive to the economic cycle (chemicals, plastics, metals, packaging, wholesale trade and transport services) are all experiencing a marked drop in their synthetic confidence index. In the construction sector, the balance of opinion on the activity in new housing fell again to -22.5 in July (-10.7 in April). By contrast, leisure-related services, information-communication, transport equipment and part of the construction sector (new building excluding housing, maintenance-renovation) are still growing.
Real GDP growth should halve in the second quarter compared to the previous quarter, at 0.3% q/q, before a further slowdown in Q3. Industrial production (down 0.5% over the first two months of Q2) and retail sales (slightly up by 0.1%) demonstrate the fragility of activity in the country. The composite PMI for new export orders also continued to deteriorate in June (-4.4 points to 43.3).
Economic activity in Spain remains dynamic. The fall in inflation, combined with employment gains this year, constitutes significant support for activity, which will counteract the increase in mortgage payments faced by some households. We now anticipate stable and moderate growth in activity at 0.4% q/q for the second and third quarters of this year. Retail sales in volume terms recovered in April (+4.1% m/m) before edging back down the following month (-0.4% m/m). Tourism activity in the spring suggests a summer season that will be, if not exceptional, at least as successful as 2019, which has been a record year to date: in May 2023, several indicators (number of foreign tourists entering the country, hotel stays) were above the levels recorded in the same period in 2019.
Although in May, the business climate might well have suggested a future recession, in June, things looked less clear. Admittedly, the further drop in the manufacturing ISM, to 46 in June, brought it to its lowest level since the 2008 crisis (excluding the Covid period). However, the message conveyed by the non-manufacturing ISM was noticeably different, with a rebound to 53.9 in June, compared to 50.3 in May.
The UK economy contracted in May (-0.1% m/m) according to the ONS, after growth of 0.2% m/m in April. The services sector stagnated, while industrial production and construction fell by 0.6% and 0.2% m/m respectively. According to the June PMI survey, activity increased in the services sector, but decreased in the manufacturing sector. While the extra bank holiday for King Charles III’s coronation probably contributed to the downturn in activity in May, the UK economy remains in a more extended slowdown phase. The economy stagnated indeed on average over 3 months in May.
The Japanese economy continued its post-pandemic recovery in May and June, although this remains fragile. According to the final estimate for May, industrial production contracted by 2.2% m/m but increased by 4.2% year-on-year. At the same time, activity in the tertiary sector grew by 1.2% m/m and 1.8% y/y. The latest PMI survey also indicates that economic activity expanded in June (composite index in expansion at 52). Nevertheless, a distinction must be made between the manufacturing sector index, which fell back into the contraction zone (49.8), and the services index, which continued to grow (54), although at a slower pace than in May.
Each quarter, the European Commission asks companies about the factors limiting their production: insufficient demand, supply constraints (labour market, shortage of material and/or equipment) and a financial factor. The survey can help in getting a better understanding of the inflation drivers. A quantitative model of producer price inflation suggests that the pace of disinflation will be slow considering that, contrary to the demand factor, which is close to its long-term average, supply factors in industry continue to act a constraint on production far more than is the case normally. Although the analysis was conducted in terms of producer price inflation, given its close relation with consumer price inflation (HICP) in the Eurozone , the conclusions are also relevant for the latter.
The economic indicators for June and the second quarter of 2023 illustrate widespread sluggish economic activity. Chinese households are cautious and limit their spending. They are worried because of the lasting crisis in the real estate sector and the uncertainties surrounding employment opportunities.
GDP growth, inflation, interest and exchange rates
Even though economic growth in early 2023 was better than forecast for emerging countries, the slowdown scenario is seemingly coming to pass for the rest of the year. In 2024, the strength of the recovery will hinge on the geopolitical climate and on how far monetary policy is eased in the US and the euro zone. It will also hinge on the investment outlook for emerging countries. The UNCTAD’s annual report gives cause for optimism around the investment outlook, except for low-income economies.
The economic rebound that has followed the abandonment of the zero-Covid policy is quickly losing momentum. Domestic demand is held back by a significant fall in consumer and investor confidence, and export momentum is stalling. The authorities are cautiously easing monetary policy, but this may end up having limited effects on credit activity. Further stimulus measures are expected in the short term. They should, among other things, aim to encourage youth employment.
In India, economic growth is holding up thanks in particular to slowing inflation and early signs of an improvement in the labour market. Public finances, which consolidated slightly during the fiscal year 2022/2023, remain much more fragile than five years ago. The government is favouring growth over fiscal consolidation. Capital expenditure continues to increase, even though room for manoeuvre is shrinking due to the high and rising interest payments on government debt. The sharp rise in public investment has improved the quality of infrastructure, which should attract a little more foreign investment
Taiwanese economic activity has slowed sharply since spring 2022. The island is particularly vulnerable to weakening global demand and the downturn in the electronics cycle due to its dependence on semiconductor exports. At the same time, its position as a quasi-monopoly on the most sophisticated microprocessor market probably protects it against the threat of Chinese aggression, at least in the short term. From a strictly macroeconomic point of view, Taiwan has solid fundamentals – and in particular a very comfortable external financial position – that strengthen its ability to withstand external shocks.