Eco Week

Covid-19: a heterogeneous vaccination pace


The rollout of the vaccination process is vital for the economies to go back to normal again. According to the latest figures available on Oxford University’s Our World in Data website, 152 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines were administered in 73 countries, adding 72 million doses and 9 countries up to 10 February. The United States, the United Kingdom and China head the list for most vaccines administered, with a total of 98 million, or nearly 65% of the global total. These three countries are also the main producers of Covid-19 vaccines.

On a per capita basis, Israel leads the field, with 69.5 doses per 100 people, a total of 6 million doses, followed by the United Arab Emirates, with 47.4 doses per 100 people. The United Kingdom is making progress with 20 doses per 100 people. This is very much welcome, as the country is facing a highly contagious variant. The United States, which has had the highest number of deaths compared to the size of its population has given 13.4 doses per 100 people, with a total of 44.8 million doses, or 30% of global vaccine production.

Denmark heads the European Union table with 6.1%, followed by Spain, at 4.8%. Germany, the EU’s most populated country (83.8 million people) has a vaccination rate of 4.2%, putting it behind Italy (4.6%); in absolute terms, it has administered the biggest number of doses in the EU, with a total of 3.5 million. In South America, Chile leads the way, with a ratio of 5.6%, and a total of 1.1 million doses. It was one of the first South American countries to offer its citizens a vaccine. Amongst the continent’s largest countries, Brazil lags Chile by some distance, with a ratio of 1.9%. China, the world’s most populous country, has administered 2.8 doses per 100 people, or a total of 40.5 million doses. This represents 26.6% of global Covid-19 vaccine production to date. China produces three vaccines, developed by Sinopharm, CanSino Biologics and Sinovac Biotech. The CanSino vaccine has so far only been authorised in China. Lastly, Morocco, the first African country to launch a vaccination campaign, has a ratio of 2%, slightly above the world average of 1.9%.


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