Retail and leisure: mobility momentum continues to pick up in the developed countries
The latest Google Mobility Report, of 1 March, revealed trends in visits to retail and recreation in the main European countries, Japan and the United States. Over the month, the indicator jumped from -60% to -45% in Germany, from -46% to -33% in Belgium and from -51% to -42% in Spain. In France, the recovery was less distinct than in neighbouring countries with the indicator rising only 3 points from -42% to -39%. In Italy, after a rising trend in visit numbers the moving average has stabilised over the past week, at 31% compared to baseline* (chart1). In the United Kingdom, visit also jumped over a month (from -64% to -55%) (chart2). But this still remains low in comparison to the major European countries.
Lastly, in the US and Japan, visit numbers have started rising again over the past week, after a brief dip (chart2). Because of looser restrictions, visit levels in these countries remain higher than in Europe.
Meanwhile, in line with the extension and tightening of measures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the final services PMI for February remained subdued in Europe, in sharp contrast to the US where it increased strongly due to looser restrictions (chart3). In Europe, the index remains below the 50 mark, which separates contraction from expansion.