Net issues of debt securities, cumulated over 12 months, by non-financial corporations (NFCs) were positive in December 2023 (EUR 8.3 bn) for the fourth consecutive month.
Recently an agreement has been reached between representatives of the European Council, the European Parliament, and the European Commission on a new economic governance framework. It focuses on risk-based surveillance, differentiation between member states based on their specific situation, the integration of fiscal, reform and investment objectives in a medium-term fiscal plan. The single operational indicator in the form of a net expenditure path should facilitate communication and emphasizes the key role of discretionary primary spending rather than tax increases in bringing public finances under control
Despite the positive momentum it would be premature to say that the recovery has started in the Eurozone, but at least we are moving in the right direction.
Less active on the environmental front, European policy to combat climate change continues to score points in terms of decarbonization.
The recent decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court has fueled the debate on the debt brake, which imposes strict limits in terms of budget deficit. At the risk of oversimplifying, the question is whether fiscal policy should be based on an iron rule or a golden rule. The debt brake imposes fiscal discipline on future governments, which enhances fiscal policy credibility. However, its focus on the budget deficit implies that under realistic assumptions, public debt in percent of GDP will decline significantly. Proponents of the golden rule argue that, given the huge investment needs -green and digital transition, public support to innovation, etc
After an expected recession in 2023, better growth prospects lie ahead in 2024. Economic activity is expected to be driven by both an improvement in domestic demand and a slight rebound in growth in the Eurozone. The monetary easing cycle initiated at the end of 2023 should continue, albeit cautiously, due to the persistence of strong wage pressure. External accounts remain strong, with foreign exchange reserves having increased for several years. Hungary is expected to post a current account surplus in 2023, after a deficit of -8.2% of GDP in 2022. As to public accounts, the budget deficit has continued to deteriorate, and is expected to exceed 5% of GDP in 2023. Like many European countries, Hungary may face an excessive deficit procedure in 2024.
The ECB’s tightening of monetary policy between the summer of 2022 and September 2023 continued to have its effects on euro zone bank lending in the fourth quarter of 2023. However, in the absence of a further turn of the screw since September 2023, these effects have not intensified further. Outstanding bank loans to the private sector even accelerated slightly, year-on-year, in the fourth quarter (up 0.5% in December 2023 compared to 0.3% in September) in line with GDP (up 0.1% in the fourth quarter from 0.0% in the third). The credit impulse remains negative but increased slightly for the first time since the ECB began to increase rates in July 2022.
According to our estimate, the trade deficit (on trade in goods) stood at almost EUR 101 billion in 2023, down from 165 billion in 2022, but still up from 86 billion in 2021. This improvement is primarily due to the drop in oil prices and the return to normal of electricity exports and intermediate-good imports. The good news is that the trade balance is also improving in volume terms, albeit to a more limited extent and due to effects that are likely to be one-offs.
Eurozone activity is expected to pick up moderately in 2024, buoyed by the fall in inflation and the start of a cutting cycle of policy rates, which, according to our forecasts, will take place in April. The labour market continues to surprise on the upside. However, industrial production is falling sharply and remains highly exposed to escalating tensions in the Red Sea and the repercussions on shipping and supply chains. 2024 will see a number of national parliamentary and presidential elections (Finland, Portugal, Belgium, Austria) and the European elections (6 to 9 June), which are likely to redraw the political landscape in the region and the balance of power within the European Parliament.
The cyclical slowdown in the German economy, which is similar to the one being experienced in the Eurozone, is part of a longer-term stagnation, with Q3 2022 standing out as the last quarter with significant growth. Even so, this figure is biased upwards, as the period benefitted from the post-Covid rebound. While the rise in energy prices was steep enough in 2022 to highlight the clear weaknesses of the German economy, which is specialized on energy-intensive sectors, some of these weaknesses had existed earlier. Against this backdrop, the prospect of a return to growth, which is our scenario for spring 2024, due to the drop in inflation in particular, is still shrouded in deep uncertainty and downside risk.
French growth weakened in 2023, as evidenced by the low figures for the business climate indicators in December. However, 2024 should kickstart the road to recovery. The major drop in energy prices from the levels seen at the start of 2023 will contribute to inflation continuing to fall, which is not expected to be jeopardised by most of the price-cap mechanism still in place for electricity being removed. The upturn in real wages, the healthy state of the aeronautics sector and the continued greening of the economy should enable a soft landing for growth in 2024, with an annual average figure of +0.6%. The expected slight rise in unemployment and the more pronounced increase in business insolvencies pose downside risks, however.
In 2023, the recovery of the Italian economy slowed in a somewhat bumpy way. On the one hand, after supporting the first part of the recovery, fixed investment declined. But on the other hand, consumption surprised on the upside (+1.5% with respect to Q4 2022). Italian households benefited from both a significant improvement of labour market conditions and deceleration of inflation. Consumer confidence recovered, supporting private expenditures. In Q4 2023, inflation marked a decisive slowdown: the declining trend is mainly due to the deceleration of energy prices (up +1.2% on average in 2023 compared to +50.9% in 2022).
In Q3 2023, Spanish growth eased slightly to 0.3% q/q. It was primarily driven by household consumption, which was itself supported by the resilience of the labour market and the increase in real wages. After an increase in H2 (from 1.6% y/y in June to 3.3% in December according to the harmonised price index), inflation is expected to fall again in 2024 and drop below the target of 2% in Q3. We expect growth to remain moderate at the end of 2023 and in early 2024 (0.2% q/q), before returning to positive territory. Spain will remain one of the drivers of the euro area for another year, with expected growth of 1.5% on an annual average versus 0.6% for the euro area.
The country fell into recession during 2023, like in Germany across the border, but 2024 is expected to be better as the future government will have the financial resources to revitalise the economy. A little bit of patience will be needed though for things to settle down. The Dutch economy remains heavily exposed to the global environment, which is very tense at the start of this year.
The Belgian economy looks set to grow at its current trend rate for the next few quarters. Despite a challenging international environment, characterised by restrictive monetary tightening combined with economic slowdowns in key trading partners, the economy has held up remarkably well. Consumer spending, supported by wage indexation, and robust investment are leading the charge. Capex expenditures are directed towards automation and climate transition in the wake of energy and labour costs hikes.
Greece is expected to enjoy economic growth once again in 2024, but activity showed signs of slowing down in the second half of 2023. Real GDP stagnated in Q3 2023 and employment fell by 0.5% q/q. While strong tourism activity, against a backdrop of high inflation, is boosting tax revenue, its impact on real GDP is more muted. The sharp drop in the unemployment rate (which is now below 10%), the drastic improvement in public finances and the decline in public and private debt testify to Greece’s solid recovery, which has been welcomed by the rise in equity and bond markets, and by the sharp tightening of spreads between Greek sovereign debt and the German Bund
The combination of rising inflation and the monetary tightening to combat it led the Swedish economy into recession. Declining household consumption and residential investment were the main drivers. Although the situation is not expected to deteriorate further in 2024, this does not mean that a dynamic recovery is to be expected. However, although Sweden is experiencing significant difficulties, it still has many assets to support activity in the medium term.
The eurozone narrowly escaped economic contraction in the last quarter of 2023, but the picture is mixed among countries. According to preliminary figures from Eurostat, real GDP in the euro area remained stable in Q4, following a slight decline of 0.1% q/q in Q3. Quarterly growth surprised to the upside in Spain (+0.6%), Italy (+0.2%), while the data for France (0.0%) and Germany (-0.3%) were in line with the consensus. The largest decline in the euro area came from Ireland (-0.7%) while Portugal’s growth rose the most (+0.8%).
Whereas in 2022, France imported electricity, it became a net exporter again in 2023. This result was driven by a drop in consumption of almost 6% from the autumn of 2022, before the partial rebound in nuclear power and the rise in renewable power allowed production to increase in 2023. Additional efforts will have to be made to meet the targets set for 2050, but what was made in 2023 is a necessary starting point.
INSEE has published its business climate survey for January along with its quarterly industry survey. These two surveys reflect a lack of momentum, without marking any further deterioration. Regarding sales prices, the changes observed are encouraging, although recent events in the Red Sea could reverse the trend.
After the historic peak in the first quarter of 2021 (“Covid savings”), financial investments and the household savings rate fell in step with each other through to the second quarter of 2022.
Key figures for the French economy compared with those of the main European countries, analysis of data on the population and the French labour market, activity by sector, publication administration figures, inflation, credit and interest rates, corporate and household accounts.
Because of its significance and its many connections with the real and financial spheres, the residential property sector plays a central role in the economic cycle. The acceleration in property prices in the eurozone, which began in 2014, the year in which the monetary bloc emerged from recession, intensified after the "Great Lockdown" of 2020, peaking at almost 10% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2022. The tightening of monetary policy by the European Central Bank, unprecedented in its scale and speed, seems to have put a halt to this progress, although at this stage there are significant differences between countries. Economies where the property market had withstood the subprime crisis better now appear to be in greater difficulty in the face of tighter credit conditions
The end of the year is shaping up to be a difficult one for the eurozone, as displayed by the flash PMI indicators for December. The composite index, fell by 0.6 points to 47, and remains below the threshold of 50 (in contraction territory) for the seventh month in a row. The employment index has not plummeted, but has been gradually declining since April, reaching 49.6 in December, its lowest level in three years. At 6.5% in October, the unemployment rate in the eurozone stabilised at a historically-low level, which is increasingly looking like a floor. We expect the jobless rate to rise slightly over the next few months, in line with current trends in the PMI indices. The unemployment rate for young people (under 25) has already risen by one percentage point in six months, to 14
The business climate indicators highlight a still deteriorated situation, raising fears of another quarter of contraction in activity (-0.1% q/q in Q4 according to our forecasts), following four quarters of stagnation or decline (including -0.1% q/q in Q3). Indeed, the indices linked to current conditions in the IFO and ZEW surveys remained close to historical lows, in both industry and services. Expectations of a small improvement are based on the anticipation of the ECB’s monetary easing in 2024, which remained uncertain for the time being.