The Italian economy has seen strong recovery since the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since 2021, its annual growth has far exceeded that recorded on average in the eurozone, thanks to the implementation of expansionary fiscal policies, which have buoyed consumption and investment, and the gradual recovery of tourism. Since the beginning of 2023 however, economic activity has started to moderate, due to an unfavourable international environment and the gradual abolition of these fiscal measures. In addition, the latter have, by their very nature, impacted the State's public finances, placing the country under the European Commission's excessive deficit procedure (EDP) in June 2024.
Poland’s economy has generally shown resilience during periods of turbulence since the financial crisis of 2008-2009. For instance, in 2009, the country was able to avoid a recession in contrast to neighbouring countries. Since 2020, successive shocks have constrained GDP growth momentum, but strong fiscal buffers enabled the authorities to implement generous supportive measures. The country remains amongst the best performing economies in the region in the early months of 2024, with its GDP above 11% in Q12024 compared to its pre-COVID levels. Overall, the country reinforced its position in Europe, judging from the increase of Poland’s economic weight in the EU (measured by GDP in purchasing power parity) and gains in market share
Economic growth prospects are improving for 2024, but the recovery is likely to be limited by still sluggish domestic demand. On the foreign exchange market, the Hungarian forint has come under downward pressure recently. On public accounts, the fiscal consolidation that began in the summer of 2022 has not significantly reduced the deficit. For 2024, the deficit will probably be less pronounced than last year, but will remain high in any case (around 5% of GDP). As a result, Hungary will probably be subject to an excessive deficit procedure in 2024
The average time taken to sell new houses to retail buyers (individual houses and flats, excluding renovated or upgraded housing) fell slightly in the first quarter of 2024. This took it to an average of 32 months, from 33.2 months in the fourth quarter of 2024. This downturn marked an end to the uninterrupted rise in sales times since the second quarter of 2022, when it stood at 13.3 months.
According to the expression “goods things come in threes”, France would meet Germany for the third time in the three lasts Euro football tournaments and win a third consecutive success. On the economic front, French results have already outpaced German results in three important areas over the past five years: job creation, investment growth and the transition to services. As a result, it is not surprising that France generated an additional 0.5 percentage point growth per year compared to Germany.
The first cut in policy rates by the European Central Bank on 6 June came as no surprise, as the committee members had largely prepared the ground ahead of the decision. The timing and scale of future easing is more uncertain, given the continuing strong pressure on wages, high inflation in services, and the resurgence of tensions in global shipping. We expect two further interest rate cuts in 2024, at a pace of one per quarter (September and December).
German growth is expected to be supported, in the short term, by the upturn in the country's industry, which should offset some of the loss of production associated with the rise in the cost of energy following the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. As an open economy, Germany is also expected to benefit from the rebound in growth in the eurozone since the beginning of 2024. However, in the longer term, German growth potential is likely to continue to suffer from labour shortages, from the weight of its industry (weakened by the low-carbon transition), and also from the consequences of insufficient investment against a backdrop of a surge in new competitors.
The French economy is characterised by growth, a statement that is all the clearer following the changeover of the national accounts to the 2020 base and the publication of the 2023 annual accounts, which led INSEE to raise its 2023 GDP estimate by almost EUR 20 billion. However, there are winners and losers from this growth. In 2024, it should be sustained mainly by market services, which account for the bulk of job creation and growth in demand. However, this growth in services substitutes that for goods, while inflation and interest rate shocks continue to weigh on investment.
In Q1 2024, the Italian economy slightly accelerated. Real GDP rose by 0.3%, with a mixed evolution by sector. Valued added of construction rose, while that of manufacturing declined, suffering from the slowdown of exports. Services increased moderately, benefitting from the recovery of tourism. Domestic demand contributed positively to the overall growth and households profited from the improvement of labour market conditions. Economic and financial conditions of firms further improved. In Italy, in the first five months of 2024, on average, the consumer price index increased by less than 1% y/y per month.
In Q1 2024, Spanish real GDP growth was, as expected, one of the highest in the euro zone (+0.7% q/q). It was mainly driven by foreign trade (contributing +0.5 pp), which was directly supported by the record tourism figures recorded at the start of the year. In the second quarter, we expect activity to remain strong (+0.7% q/q) due to a gradual recovery in private consumption, continued growth in exports, and support for investment from future disbursements of NGEU funds.
The Dutch economy was confronted with a new decline of its GDP in the first quarter of 2024, due to an unexpected drop in exports. The future does not look too gloomy though, since a new coalition was formed and presented friendly purchasing power measures that are likely to support private consumption. The agreement however plans to limit the budget deficit to 2.8% of GDP through spending cuts which could deteriorate the country’s productivity in the longer run.
Belgian economic growth remains close to trend rates, even as a shift in the underlying drivers is taking place. Corporate investment rebounded from last quarter’s one-off dip. More encouraging is the bottoming-out of household investment in dwellings. Real estate prices have remained on an upward trend throughout the ECB’s now ended hiking cycle and the depressed activity levels are expected to slowly recover. Public finances remain a challenge, as the spectre of prolonged government formation talks once again casts a shadow over the Belgian economy.
After being in recession in 2023 (-0.8% on an annual average), due to falling investment, high inflation and the decline in real wages, Austrian growth is expected to remain weak this year (+0.3% according to the European Commission). In Q1, real GDP grew by just 0.2% q/q, still dragged down by the decline in investment (-4.7% q/q, contributing -1.1 pp to growth), but nevertheless pulled up by the rebound in private consumption (+0.8% q/q, contributing +0.4 pp), itself supported by the return of real wage increases and the resilience of the labour market.
The Greek economy is proving resilient to rising funding costs and geopolitical tensions in Europe. The country is expected to post economic growth once again above the eurozone average in 2024. Real GDP grew by 2.0% in 2023 as an annual average and by 0.7% q/q in Q1 2024, driven by private consumption and investment. Except in real estate, inflationary pressures have eased and fuelled purchasing power gains which, with rising employment, are supporting private consumption, the weight of which in GDP reached a new record in Q1 2024 (76.9%). Because of its size and dependence on the external market, the country nevertheless remains very exposed to economic developments in Europe as well as to the energy market, and oil in particular.
In 2023, Denmark experienced dynamic and above-expected economic growth, in the form of an illusion given the preponderance of the pharmaceutical sector. This sector turned into the country’s main asset, to such an extent that fears of increasing dependence have appeared. Furthermore, inflation has fallen significantly since the 2023 high, while the Danish central bank is expected to continue to ease policy in line with the ECB.
In this Audiobrief, Stéphane Colliac discusses selfemployment in France. It has been growing again for almost 20 years, particularly in household services, but also in business services. In France, which has created nearly 420000 jobs a year over the last 5 years, self-employment has represented almost one job creation out of 5
Like their number, the economic weight of corporate bankruptcies has increased to an unprecedented extent since March 2022, starting from an all-time low in 2021. This ratio compares the outstanding amount of bank loans to newly bankrupt corporates to the total outstanding amount of bank loans to corporates (in difficulty or not). These developments are mainly due to the continued catch-up of corporate bankruptcies. This concerns more fragile corporates whose would have already gone bankrupt in the absence of the economic and health measures put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the repayment of State-Guaranteed Loans does not seem to have an excessive impact on the financial situation of the majority of corporates that have benefited from them
In recent weeks the guidance from several ECB Governing Council members had become increasingly clear that the June meeting would see its first rate cut in this cycle. Against this background, not acting was out of the question, despite the uptick in the latest inflation data.
Following the first rate cut at the June meeting of the ECB, the focus has now shifted to the timing and speed of further reductions in the deposit rate. The guidance is vague: decisions will be data-dependent. For investors, estimating policy rules -the relationship between past decisions and inflation and other relevant variables- has merits to get a better understanding. Such a rule shows the key role played by the difference between observed inflation and the inflation target. However, there are important caveats. The estimated rule implies a very slow adjustment of the deposit rate, which is difficult to justify when the ECB is in easing mode
Key figures for the French economy compared with those of the main European countries, analysis of data on the population and the French labour market, activity by sector, publication administration figures, inflation, credit and interest rates, corporate and household accounts.
In May 2024, cumulative 12-month business insolvencies exceeded 60,000 for the first time since August 2016, according to Banque de France data. This threshold has only been exceeded four times in the past. However, the dynamism of business creations and the specific nature of post-Covid normalisation reveal a clear difference between the recent and previous peaks in business insolvencies.
On 5 June 2024, Eurobank Ergasias Services and Holdings, National Bank of Greece, Alpha Services and Holdings, and Piraeus Financial Holdings (in that order the first to fourth largest Greek banking groups by CET1 capital) were authorised by the European Central Bank to pay out a weighted average of 24% of their 2023 net income attributable to Equity Holders. This payout, totalling EUR 875 million, 93% of which is in the form of dividends, is the first of its kind since 2008 for these banks, which between them account for some 90% of the Greek banking system’s total assets.
After a long period of decline from the late 1940s to the early 2000s, self-employment has been on the rise once again in France for almost 20 years. This resurgence of self-employment, initiated by tax incentives in favour of home-based employment or craft industries (non-market services, domestic services, building crafts), was also fuelled by the outsourcing by companies of certain tasks (for the purpose of controlling costs on non-essential activities, incubating innovation) and the emergence of new needs (in particular in terms of maintenance and renovation in building)
Europe is experiencing a losing trend in market share, due to the growth of other producers (Japan in the 1980s, China subsequently). In Germany, it even increased after the Covid-19 pandemic (-0.7 points in 2023 compared to 2019). The German chemical industry has been hit hard by rising energy prices and increasing competition from China and the US. Its automotive industry (which accounted for 17% of its exports in 2023) is suffering directly from Chinese competition.
Speaking at a joint press conference in Germany on Tuesday, 28 May 2024, the French President and German Chancellor expressed their desire to create a “European savings product” to “bolster Europe’s competitiveness and growth”. This political will follows on from the Letta[1] and Noyer[2] reports and statements made by the French Minister of the Economy. It’s a new approach to getting Capital Markets Union back on the rails.