In the space of just a few months, growth prospects in the eurozone have deteriorated markedly. So much so that the risk of a recession is looming this year. Between our growth forecast from early 2021 – when it peaked at 5.5% – and our current scenario, drawn up in mid-March 2022, expected growth has been about halved; we now expect a figure of 2.8%. As recently as November 2021, we were still forecasting 4.2%. This figure of 2.8% still looks very high, as it is well above the long-term trend rate of 1.6% per year on average between 1996 and 2019. However, it relies on an exceptionally high growth carry-over of 2.1% in Q1 2022 and, for the subsequent quarters, on projected weak but positive growth
US economic policy uncertainty based on media coverage has declined since the start of the year. In the US, business uncertainty about sales revenue growth has been edging higher whereas uncertainty about employment growth continues its downtrend. The European Commission’s uncertainty index has jumped following the war in Ukraine. This has also caused an exceptionally large increase in the geopolitical risk index, which is based on media coverage. The cross-sectional standard deviation of daily stock market returns of individual companies – a measure of financial uncertainty – has risen in the US and the euro area, albeit to a limited degree.
China’s economic growth reached 4.8% year-on-year (y/y) in Q1 2022. It improved slightly over the first two months of the year, both in industry and in services, but this recovery was cut short in March. Economic conditions have worsened rapidly, as our barometer shows (narrowing of the blue area relative to the dotted area). This deterioration has resulted primarily from the resurgence of Covid-19 and mobility restrictions imposed in a number of regions in the country. In addition, short-term growth prospects are also looking bleaker due to deterioration in the international climate triggered by the war in Ukraine.
After a strong start in 2022, China’s economic growth slowed in March. Headwinds are expected to persist in the very short term. Firstly, the rapid surge in the number of Covid-19 cases has led many regions to impose severe mobility restrictions. Secondly, the property market correction continues. Thirdly, producers and exporters will be affected by the impact of the war in Ukraine on commodity prices and world trade. Therefore, China’s official economic growth target, which has been set at 5.5% for 2022, seems highly ambitious. The Chinese authorities are accelerating the pace of fiscal and monetary easing.
The economic growth recovery has been unbalanced since the health shock in early 2020 and has rapidly lost steam. It was then interrupted in the first quarter of 2022, due to a very sharp rise in the number of Covid-19 infections and deaths linked to the Omicron variant. The epidemic wave is starting to recede, but Hong Kong will now have to face the effects of a slowing global trade, rising commodity prices and the tightening of US monetary policy. Despite these unfavourable conditions, sovereign solvency remains very robust and the government keeps a strong capacity to continue an expansionary fiscal policy.
Brazil ended 2021 on a stronger footing than expected, but the economic picture remains fragile. Activity tends to progress in spurts, curbed by internal brakes (Omicron wave, climatic vagaries, elections) and a more degraded external environment (war in Ukraine, trading partners’ economic slowdown, etc.). Meanwhile, inflationary pressures are building up and raise the specter of continued monetary tightening. Since the start of the year, the improvement in Brazil’s terms of trade and wide interest rate differentials with developed economies have fueled the rebound of the equity market and spurred a strong appreciation of the real. Such developments highlight a form of dissonance between the real economy and assessments of financial markets.
Poland is well equipped to deal with the economic consequences of the conflict in Ukraine. Its economy had fully absorbed the shock from Covid-19 by the end of 2021. Output was 5% higher than in late 2019, the recovery was well balanced and the unemployment rate had returned to a frictional level. In addition, Poland’s budget deficit fell sharply in 2021 and its public debt/GDP ratio remained well below the Maastricht limit due to a substantial gap between growth and interest rates. The current-account balance is in deficit again, but still comfortably covered by non-debt generating capital flows. The only cloud on the horizon is the acceleration in inflation which has prompted the central bank to tighten monetary policy more aggressively since autumn 2021
Romania’s economy slowed sharply in H2 2021, with rising inflation causing wages to decline in real terms for the first time since 2010. Growth also remained imbalanced and both public- and private-sector debt increased between 2019 and 2021. Monetary tightening started too late in 2021 and has remained very limited since the start of 2022. The external shock caused by the conflict in Ukraine will only make the slowdown worse. Any improvement in the budget deficit will be delayed by the cost of dealing with refugees. It will be the task of monetary policy to ensure financial stability in the current exceptional circumstances.
The impact on Serbia’s economy caused by the war in Ukraine is likely to remain moderate. However, the war will adversely affect all macroeconomic indicators. Growth forecasts have been downgraded because of sharply higher inflation, trade exposure to Russia and a weaker European economy. Serbia’s central bank has carried out only moderate monetary tightening so far, expecting that the jump in inflation will be short-lived. External accounts are likely to deteriorate because of the wider current account deficit and a possible slowdown in foreign direct investment flows, but the central bank should still be able to defend the dinar stability. This is crucial for Serbia’s macroeconomic stability given that commercial bank balance sheets and government debt are highly exposed to the euro
Egypt’s economic prospects have worsened with the outbreak of war in Ukraine and its consequences for commodity prices. The widespread increase in prices will result in a significant drop in consumer purchasing power and will thus stall the main engine of economic activity. The erosion of foreign currency liquidity has accelerated over the last month, with massive outflows of capital and an expected widening of the current account deficit due to the difficulty in reducing imports, a drop in tourist frequentation and the limited effect on exports of the Egyptian pound’s depreciation. This highlights the continued vulnerability of the economy to external shocks and its reliance on external support
The US yield curve has flattened, giving rise to comments that, given the historical experience, risk of a recession is increasing. Yet, when drawing conclusions, caution is warranted. Market-based inflation expectations, which are very high, should decline after a number of rate hikes. This could pull down long-term nominal bond yields, leading to a further flattening or even an inversion of the curve. However, a decline in inflation is growth-supportive. Another reason for caution is that due to past central bank asset purchases, the slope of the yield curve is less steep. Past QE may thus reduce its quality as a leading indicator of economic growth. For these reasons, an alternative indicator has been developed
Economic growth strengthened over the first two months of 2022, but is likely to slow in the near future due to inflationary pressures. Industrial production rose 3.6% year-on-year (y/y) in February, suggesting that economic activity picked up in Q1 2022 (provided that this rise continued into March) relative to Q4 2021. In services, the business climate has improved continuously since Q3 2021, taking the PMI to 62.6 in February 2022. Meanwhile, retail sales rose 15% y/y in February, confirming the recovery that began in late 2021.
The resilience of the global economy is tested by multiple shocks: rising Covid-19 infections in China, the war in Ukraine, the huge increase of several commodity prices, the prospect of aggressive monetary tightening in the US. The significant carry-over effect from last year is an element of support when assessing the outlook for annual growth this year. In addition, the drivers of final demand were supportive at the start of the year and in many cases still are. High inflation is weighing on consumer sentiment in the US and the Eurozone but fortunately, thus far, employment expectations of Eurozone companies remain at a very high level and in the US, the labour market remains very strong
After a strong start in 2022, China’s economic growth slowed in March. Headwinds are expected to persist in the very short term. Firstly, the rapid surge in the number of Covid-19 cases has led many regions to impose severe mobility restrictions. Secondly, the property market correction continues. Thirdly, producers and exporters will be affected by the impact of the war in Ukraine on commodity prices and world trade. The Chinese authorities are bound to accelerate the easing of economic policy.
Of the Eurozone’s four major economies, Germany has the least positive growth outlook for 2022. Its economy is expected to grow by around 2% this year, whereas we are forecasting around 3% in Italy and France, and around 5% in Spain. Germany also has a lower Q4 2021 growth carry-over, greater exposure to the economic repercussions of the war in Ukraine, and pre-existing supply-chain problems in its manufacturing industry. The fall in the ifo index in March, particularly the business expectations component, illustrates well these headwinds, and this decline serves as a recession alert.
In Q4 2022, real GDP rose by 0.6%, after having increased by 2.7% and 2.5% in Q2 and Q3 respectively. This slowdown was widespread. Manufacturing stagnated and services suffered from the upsurge of Covid-19 cases. Uncertainty is fostered by inflation which turns out to be more persistent than expected. In March 2022, the consumer price index rose by 6.7% y/y. The deterioration of the economic environment has not affected the labour market yet. In the three months to February 2022, employment increased by 100,000 units almost completely recovering the pre-pandemic level
Belgian GDP grew by 0.5% in the fourth quarter of last year, full-year growth amounting to 6.1%. Having completed a full recovery to pre-covid levels faster than expected, a gradual slowdown from above-potential growth was our base case scenario, even though (energy-)prices continued their upward trajectory and labour market pressures built up. The war in Ukraine will further derail these prospects. As a consequence, we lower our outlook for growth by 1 pp and increase that for inflation by more than 2 pp.
Thwarted since the beginning of the year by a strong surge in the Covid-19 pandemic, the economic recovery is now threatened by the repercussions of Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine. Given its geographic location, Finland is highly dependent on Russia for its energy imports, and its energy bill has already risen considerably. After reporting GDP growth of 3.3% in 2021, Finland is unlikely to meet the European Commission’s 2022 forecast of 3%.
The global manufacturing PMI has declined slightly in March after a brief and limited rebound in February. It is at its lowest level for this year. In the US however, the upward trend continues whereas the Eurozone saw a significant decline. Within the Eurozone, Ireland was an exception and the index has rebounded to its January level. Japan, Mexico, South Africa and in particular Brazil saw an improvement in March. China and Vietnam recorded significant declines.
Very few survey results are available yet for March 2022, but they are all mediocre, which shows that the harmful impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine is not limited solely to Europe. Although it hasn’t collapsed, the Conference Board’s household confidence index has fallen from peak levels. In the Philadelphia and New York regions, industrial leaders are seeing darker horizons, which is probably due as well to the resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic in China, which promises to further aggravate supply chain tensions that are already very high.
Given the obstacles piling up for the global economy, there was concern that the consensus forecast of a significantly weaker Tankan survey would end up being too optimistic. Upon its release, it turned out not to be the case, with some series below consensus and other slightly better. The overall conclusion is clear however: the report was indeed less positive than in the previous quarter.
In France, the year 2021 ended with the highest employment rate since the 1970s, the lowest jobless rate since 2008, and a record number of job creations since the Second World War. Half of the labour market’s dynamic momentum can be attributed to the rebound in job creations in the sectors hit hardest by the Covid-19 crisis (notably catering and temporary employment services). The pandemic has also bolstered employment in healthcare and education. Yet the private market sector still bears the marks of the health crisis: employment is 1.3% below the level that it would have reached had the growth rates observed in 2017-19 continued through the end of 2021 (using the same calculation method, real GDP growth is still lagging by 2.2%). The employment rate for the 15-64 age group rose to 67
The latest cyclical surveys show the impact of the war in Ukraine. Confidence of households and companies has dropped, although, concerning the latter, significant differences exist between countries and sectors. In Germany, the IFO business climate has plummeted whereas in France, the decline is more limited. Services tend to be doing better than manufacturing. Importantly, employment expectations of companies remain at an elevated level. It is a key factor to monitor in view of what it signals about companies’ confidence in the medium outlook as well as for its influence on households’ sentiment about their future personal situation. This last point is particularly important given the plunge in household confidence, which is largely related to concern about the general economic outlook
Our different uncertainty gauges are complementary, in terms of scope and methodology. Starting top left and continuing clockwise, US economic policy uncertainty based on media coverage has declined since the start of the year but the latest data are for February and do not yet reflect the impact of the war in Ukraine. That also applies to uncertainty based on business surveys, which has been declining since the beginning of the year. Geopolitical risk – based on media coverage – has seen a huge jump following the invasion of Ukraine. For the same reason, the cross-sectional standard deviation of daily stock market returns of individual companies – a measure of financial uncertainty – has risen in the US and the euro area, although to a rather limited extent.
The UK is by no means the country with the greatest trade exposure to Russia: it buys virtually no Russian gas and in 2019, sent only 0.7% of its goods exports there (compared to 2% for Germany, for instance). Even so, in the UK, as in the whole of Europe, sanctions and shortages resulting from Russia’s war in Ukraine will increase inflationary pressures and damage economic prospects. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has cut its growth forecast for 2022 from 6% to 3.8%, whilst inflation could climb from 6.2% in February to a peak of 9% by the year end.